Working life

Meet our people - Becky

25 Jan 2023, 13:34

image of graduate Becky on a mountain

Tell me about your journey to joining Accenture.

Originally from Limerick, I went to UL for my undergrad degree which was in Digital Media Design. Once graduated, I moved to Galway for my Masters Degree in Information Systems. I then took some time out after finishing my studies and continued to work in my part time job while I tried to make a decision on what I wanted to do, and more importantly where I wanted to be! After going back and forth between relocating abroad or staying at home, I started the not-so-enjoyable job application process to test the waters. Being in the running for a few graduate programs in different locations, I ultimately decided that Accenture would offer the best possibility to explore different areas within Tech, and I was also keen to see what Dublin life was like, because surely there is a reason for that rent price right..? The first covid lockdown was implemented the day before we were due to start work so everything shifted online, and still is over a year later, so it’s been an interesting career journey to date!

Tell me about the work you do?

I am aligned to the Intelligent Platform Services group within Accenture where I have spent the last year working on a large SAP system implementation project for a manufacturing client. The project is currently in a North America rollout phase, so I have had the opportunity to work with teams across the globe! On this project, I work on the deployment team which essentially manages project progression and ensures the project is on track at all times.

I am also involved in a variety of community teams within Accenture that allow me to get to know other people and gain experience/skills in different areas. Some of those include organising charity events, wellbeing initiatives or internal communications!

What’s the most exciting project you’ve worked on and what made it so exciting?

Something very different that I got to experience this year was the Accenture “Incubator”, which is a Dragons Den style competition for new innovation ideas. My team and I were lucky enough to make it to the final, where we had to pitch our idea and answer questions 'Dragons Den' style, in front of a high profile panel, and it was definitely an exciting experience because it was totally out of my comfort zone. I’ve found that the more you challenge yourself the more rewarding it is!

I think everyone working here says their favourite thing is the people and I have to agree.

What’s a day-in-the-life like at Accenture?

Because my project is mostly US based, I typically get a lot of work done in the morning. This includes anything that may have been emailed overnight, to preparation work for when everyone else gets online, or working sessions with my non-US based team mates. Then after 2pm is when the US wake up and come online so I am usually in project meetings in the afternoon until log-off time at 5.30. I pick up any actions that arise from those meetings when I log on the next morning and so on!

What do you like the most about working at Accenture?

I think everyone working here says their favourite thing is the people and I have to agree! Due to covid, my experience to date has all been online, but everyone has been very friendly, welcoming and helpful and I have still managed to build good “virtual” relationships with people and made really good friends that I look forward to meeting in person someday!

What advice would you give to someone interested in the work you do?

If you are curious about a particular role or graduate program, don’t hold back on applying. You will probably hear or read many stories about what people do in a company, and there is a good chance that none of it will make any sense to you – this is normal - don’t let that make you apprehensive or feel that you “wouldn’t be good at it”. When you start a career, especially in Technology, it requires a lot of “on the job learning” and experience that comes naturally over time, so don’t feel you are not capable! If you are willing to learn then you are more than capable.

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