Advanced Business & Executive Coaching

This unique part-time, fully-accredited diploma programme is designed for experienced coaches looking to take their coaching to the next level. It focuses on the psychological dimension of coaching, developing participants ’ability to “raise coachee’s awareness of their ingrained patterns of behaviour”, the most important quality required of coaches by sponsors in large organisations (Ridler Report 2013).

A key feature is the focus on personal development, rooted in the firm belief that it is vital for participants to have personal experience of challenging their own ingrained patterns of behaviour as a basis for working effectively with clients.

The combination of theory, practice, personal and professional development transforms participants’ ability to work more deeply and effectively with their clients.

To ensure participants get the most out of the programme, you must be a practising coach, with a minimum of 2-3 clients (paying/pro bono) who you meet on a monthly basis.

On successful completion of the programme, participants will be awarded the Professional Diploma in Advanced Business & Executive Coaching by UCD Smurfit Executive Development (30 ECTS at NFQ Level 9). This diploma forms part of the MSc in Business and Executive Coaching Pathway.

Subjects taught

Module Dates

Module Module Title Module Dates

Workshop 1 The Person Centred Approach

Wednesday & Thursday March 6th & 7th 2024

Workshop 2 Psychodynamic Approaches

Tuesday & Wednesday April 23rd & 24th 2024

Workshop 3 Gestalt Approaches

Wednesday & Thursday June 19th & 20th 2024

Workshop 4 Transactional Analysis

Wednesday & Thursday September 11th & 12th 2024

Workshop 5 System and Field

Wednesday & Thursday November 6th & 7th 2024

Workshop 6 Existential Approaches

Wednesday & Thursday December 11th & 12th 2024

Entry requirements

Participants should have at least 5 years management experience, hold a primary degree and have completed the UCD Diploma in Business & Executive Coaching or another accredited Business Coaching programme. Consideration will also be given to applicants who do not fully meet this requirement but have substantial experience in business coaching.


10 months, part-time.

Enrolment dates

Next Intake: 6th March 2024

More details
  • Qualifications

    Special Purpose Diploma (Level 9 NFQ)

  • Attendance type

    Part time

  • Apply to

    Course provider