Applied Sport & Exercise Nutrition - Galway

ATU - Galway Campuses

Applied Sport & Exercise Nutrition - Galway

Study Hours

10 hours of online lectures per week in Semester 1 as well as lab days on campus and significant self directed study. There are less online lectures (~4 hours) in Semester 2 as students are required to carry out a placement during this time

Who should apply?

This award gives students that have previously completed science or health-based undergraduate degrees the opportunity to specialise in Sport and Exercise Nutrition.

Subjects taught


Sports & Exercise Nutrition

Research in Practice 1

Advanced Sports & Exercise


Human Nutrition

Sports & Exercise Physiology

Sports & Exercise Nutrition

Research in Practice 2

(Placement module)

Laboratory Techniques in

Sports & Exercise Nutrition

Research Methods

Research project

Entry requirements

The entry requirement for undertaking the programme is an Honours degree (H2.2) in any science or related health discipline. It is a requirement that all students for this programme are Garda vetted on commencement of their studies. Applicants may use RPL as a means of accessing the programme. RPL can also be used to gain exemptions.


1.5 Years

On-Campus Attendance

The number of contact days on this programme vary in each semester. Semester 1 has 7 contact days, Semester 2 has 6 contact days, and the requirement for contact days at ATU Galway City in semester 3 will vary depending on the individual independent research project.

Post Course Info

Job Opportunities

The career opportunities available to sport and exercise nutritionists in Europe are expanding all the time and this expansion appears likely to continue for the foreseeable future.

Most sports now recognise nutritional science as an integral part of their sport’s development and success and most athletes consider the application of sport and exercise nutrition as an important part of everyday preparation for training and competition.

'In the Know' provides a summary from the AfN of different career paths in the Nutrition field. Examples of careers from AfN-accredited degree programmes in the UK may be found at

Examples of careers from AfN-accredited and SENr-accredited degree programmes in the UK include:

• Sports Nutritionist

• Exercise Nutritionist

• Exercise Physiologist

• Health Promotion Specialist

• Lecturer in Higher Education

• Performance Nutritionist

• Researcher

• New product development technologist

• Sports Development Officer

• Self-employment (as a consultant, contractor or entrepreneur)

In the UK typical employers include:

• Food standards agency

• Government advisory groups

• Government agencies

• Local authorities

• National disease prevention initiatives

• National research groups and health promotion initiatives

• National sporting associations, governing bodies and other related sporting agencies

• Private health and fitness clubs, spas and public sports and recreation facilities

• Professional sports clubs

• Schools, further education and higher education institutions

• The health sector, including the National Health Service (NHS)

Similar job opportunities are available throughout Europe and the US.

More details
  • Qualification letters


  • Qualifications

    Degree - Masters (Level 9 NFQ)

  • Attendance type

    Blended,Daytime,Full time

  • Apply to

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