Art - Studio Art - Research

The aim of the three-/four-year full-time (or part-time equivalent) research programme is the generation of a contribution to knowledge and understanding in Fine Art by means of enquiry conducted through original studio research and, where relevant, other research methods.

Students propose a research project including a key research question, and receive training in research methods. Students are also expected to:

Pursue a defined key research questions through studio research

Investigate cognate studio research undertaken by others internationally

Explore the theoretical and historical dimensions of the enquiry through scholarship

Collaborate with others, as appropriate, to extend the range of the enquiry

Produce a body of work that embodies new knowledge in answer to the key research question

Write a 500-word summary of the contribution to knowledge and understanding together with a reflective analysis of the theoretical and historical context of the research and a critical review of the process of the research.

Entry requirements

Bachelors degree with honours in fine art (First Class Honoursor 2.1 or GPA of 3.50 or above [or equivalent international qualification]), or a Masters degree in fine art, or equivalent. An appropriate portfolio and statement of intent including a key research question are also required.

Application dates

Apply online via Burren College of Art


PhD, full-time; PhD, part-time

Duration: 3 years, full-time; 4 years, part-time


We welcome proposals for studio-based PhD in the following aspects of studio art:

Drawing as a process of enquiry

Creative methods and methodology in art and/or creativity in a wider context than art

Digital narrative (in collaboration with the Huston Film School, NUI Galway)

Interdisciplinary research that promotes collaboration across academic bountaries (with potentially any department of NUI Galway)

Students may also propose research projects outside these criteria for consideration by the Burren College of Art

More details
  • Qualification letters


  • Qualifications

    Degree - Doctoral (Level 10 NFQ)

  • Attendance type

    Full time,Part time

  • Apply to

    Course provider