Assessment & Feedback
Course Overview
This short programme comprises one of the modules offered on the MA Learning and Teaching which aims to develop a deep understanding of assessment and feedback practices in order to enhance practice. This Special Purpose Award is designed to support participants in improving their own practice in assessment and feedback. It is aimed at those involved in teaching and/or training, for example in adult education, further and higher education, post-primary or within private or public sector organisations.
More specifically the objectives are:
- To promote understanding of the role of assessment and feedback in learning,
- To foster an understanding of the principles of effective assessment and feedback,
- To apply these principles to practice,
- To encourage a reflective and scholarly approach to assessment and feedback.
Entry requirements
Applicants should normally have at least a level 8 major award or equivalent. The programme is practice focused so applicants must be engaged in sufficient teaching to allow them to meet the programme learning outcomes.
Applicants are not required to teach at any particular level but the nature of their teaching should be conducive to meeting the learning outcomes, for example, involving the assessment (formal or informal) of learning.
Applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Application dates
How To Apply
Apply Directly to DkIT
Apply directly to DkIT using our online applications system (see "Application Weblink" above). Please remember to upload the required documentation (copies of your existing qualification(s), your CV, any other support documents etc) with your online application to expedite your application. To avoid disappointment early registration is recommended.
1 semester part-time. Course Delivery: On Campus.
Course Delivery
This course will be delivered in blended mode, using face-to-face and online delivery. There are 6-7 workshops each semester and a one-off induction at the beginning of the programme. These sessions are 1.00-4.00pm on Friday afternoons in DkIT (as part of the MA Learning and Teaching).
Each learner is also assigned a personal tutor. One-to-one and small group tutorials are also scheduled for Friday afternoons, or at other times if this suits learners better. The rest of the delivery is online.
Enrolment dates
Start Date: September 2025.
Post Course Info
Education Progression
This is a special purpose award consisting of a module from the MA in Learning and Teaching. If graduates have also successfully completed the Certificate in Learning and Teaching or an equivalent qualification, they may apply to progress to the MA programme (MA in Learning & Teaching).
More details
Special Purpose Certificate (Level 9 NFQ)
Attendance type
Part time,Blended
Apply to
Course provider