Building Information Modelling Project Management Higher Level Apprenticeship


This course is taught by a mixture of academic staff and industrial practitioners, bringing cutting edge research together with real world industry experience into the classroom.


This Higher Level Apprenticeship (HLA) is fully funded by the DfE, although places are limited. Applicants and their employers must demonstrate commitment, and ensure enough time is allocated, to attend and complete the course.


The HLA is a work / study programme so you will already be in employment, or have a firm offer of employment from a company in the construction sector which supports your application.

You will have a keen interest in BIM and digital construction. You may already have experience using BIM – hands on experience of BIM is not necessary for starting the course, but it can be useful.


The course’s primary focus is on project management using the building information modelling process, which will give you the chance to take your career forward. We teach the principles of project management, while using building information modelling.


As a part time student, you study alongside the full-time cohort in a class of around 30 alongside people from places like India, Nigeria, China, Vietnam and Egypt, as well as from the UK, Ireland and Europe. Our teaching starts in the afternoon as we know you will need to take time off work to attend classes. You'll have the McClay Library and the beautiful new Graduate School at your disposal as well as a dedicated base room and computer lab in the Elmwood building.


The course is all about balancing theory and practice – a mixture of hands-on building, manipulation and management of models, as well as consideration of the higher level analytical and critical thinking skills that come with Masters level education.


Applications for this course received after 30th June 2024 may not be accepted.

This course is subject to renewal approval by DfE.

Course Structure

The Higher Level Apprenticeship is a part time programme, to enable students to learn on the programme, whilst consolidating their new skills and knowledge at work.

2 ¾ years (Part Time), with an option to complete in 2 years.

The programme is delivered 1 day per-week (Monday for the first year, Friday for the second year). Nine modules (including Dissertation) totalling 180 CATS points are included in the programme, with no optional modules available.

Lectures are delivered by industry orientated lecturers and external experts within the field of Project Management and Building Information Modelling. Assessment is undertaken through coursework and presentations.

Subjects taught

The information below is intended as an example only, featuring module details for the current year of study (2023/24). Modules are reviewed on an annual basis and may be subject to future changes – revised details will be published through Programme Specifications ahead of each academic year.

Year 1

Core Modules:

Technical BIM Implementation (30 credits)

Emerging Digital Technology (20 credits)

Project Co-Ordination, Planning and Control (10 credits)

Project Planning for Sustainability (20 credits)

Dissertation (60 credits)

Building Information Modelling in Practice (10 credits)

Procurement, Contract Administration and Law (20 credits)

Research Methods for Managers (10 credits)

Entry requirements


Normally a 2.2 Honours degree in a relevant discipline e.g. Architecture, Engineering or Social Science, or equivalent qualification acceptable to the University.

Applicants with relevant work experience will be considered on a case-by case-basis.

The University's Recognition of Prior Learning Policy provides guidance on the assessment of experiential learning (RPEL). Please visit for more information.

Students wishing to apply for this Higher-Level Apprenticeship should also upload their CV and a letter of support from their employer (combined in one file). The employer’s letter of support must state that the employer supports their application, that they are prepared to release them from work for one day per week to attend the course, and that, if they are an existing employee, they need this qualification for a new role. The new role can be a change of title/role within the company.

This Higher Level Apprenticeship (HLA) is fully funded by the DfE therefore it is not open to international applicants. Further information on eligibility criteria for Higher Level Apprenticeships can be found at

The deadline for applications is normally 30th June 2024. However, we encourage applicants to apply as early as possible. In the event that any programme receives a high number of applications, the University reserves the right to close the application portal earlier than 30th June deadline. Notifications to this effect will appear on the Direct Application Portal against the programme application page.

Please note this course is subject to renewal of funding by the Department for the Economy and applicants must be working for a company with a base in Northern Ireland.


2 years (Part Time)

Enrolment dates

Entry Year: 2024/25

Post Course Info

Career Prospects

Many Higher Level Apprentices take this course to aid their career progression. This course will equip you with the management skills you will need to advance your career to the next level.

More details
  • Qualification letters


  • Qualifications

    Degree - Masters at UK Level 7

  • Attendance type

    Part time

  • Apply to

    Course provider