Building Surveying - Conversion Programme

It has been developed as an alternative route into the Building Surveying profession other than by way of the traditional honour’s undergraduate degree. The programme is designed for graduates who wish to upskill and convert to a career in the construction Industry.

Who Should Apply?

Construction Graduates wishing to train as ‘assigned certifiers’ having a Level 8, Honours 2.2 Cognitive Degree.

Returners to Workforce

Graduates in Employment wishing to upskill

Previous self employed

Subjects taught

Course Content

Building Information Modelling (BIM)

Work Placement: provides an opportunity to gain structured and professional work experience, in a work based environment.

Sustainable Construction Technology

Building Appraisal Maintenance and Renewal

Law and Practice for the Built Environment

Specification, Design and Analysis

Research/Dissertation -individual research project on topic relating to Building Surveying

Entry requirements

To check whether you are eligible for HCI Pillar 1 funding, please visit

Academic Entry Requirements:

Applicants for this MSc programme will require a level 8 degree in a Cognitive Degree (minimum 2:2). Suitable candidates who do not meet this criteria may be considered for the programme based on other qualifications and/or work experience.

In such cases, the DkIT Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) policy process will be applied. DkIT recognizes that knowledge, skills and competencies can be acquired from a range of learning experiences, including formal and informal. Through its RPL policy, the Institute commits to giving appropriate recognition to all relevant learning, irrespective of mode or place of learning.The focus of the RPL process is on the outcomes rather than the process of learning. RPL candidates will need to demonstrate the appropriate academic level of their learning and, where relevant, produce evidence of practical skills.

Application dates

Applications to MSc in Building Surveying:

To apply directly for the MSc in Building Surveying, You should apply using the DkIT Postgraduate Application. Potential students may be interviewed.

Please submit the following documents with your application and email it to

Completed Application Form(.doc)

An up-to-date CV

International Student Applications

International students must apply through get International Office, details on how to apply can be found at


1 year full-time, 2 years Part-Time.

Post Course Info

Career Opportunities

This MSc addresses the qualification requirement set down by the Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland and the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (the Association of Building Engineers and the Chartered Institute of Building & RICS) in respect to conversion courses, which will qualify participants (subject to validation) to take the Assessment of Professional Competence (APC) and become chartered.

More details
  • Qualification letters


  • Qualifications

    Degree - Masters (Level 9 NFQ)

  • Attendance type

    Daytime,Full time,Part time

  • Apply to

    Course provider