Catholic Religious Education & Theological Studies

St Patricks Pontifical University Maynooth

Catholic Religious Education & Theological Studies

The Postgraduate Certificate in Catholic Religious Education and Theological Studies are offered alongside the Bachelor of Education and Professional Masters in Education (Primary Teaching) awarded by Maynooth University (NUIM). It is designed to educate teachers in foundational knowledge and equip them with the pedagogical skills necessary for communicating the Catholic faith in primary schools. Offered in collaboration with the Froebel Department of Primary and Early Childhood Education (Maynooth University), it aims to form teachers capable of responding to the many spiritual and religious opportunities and challenges facing pupils.

The Educational Writings of Friedrich Froebel (1782-1852) outline his philosophy on early childhood education, importance of play and activity, and child-centred methodologies. His writings have much in common with the philosophy at the heart of Catholic Education. From the point of view of equipping future teachers for Catholic schools, the following points are of particular relevance.

The concept of the "unison" between nature and the human person is sprung from one and the same Creator. This is called "inner-connection";

The recognition of truth begins in the real, visible world in the phenomena of nature, in which the laws of God are to be found, learned, and known as unchangeable;

In all things, there lives and reigns an eternal law. This law is based on an eternal unity. This unity is God. All things have come from God, and have their origin in the Divine Unity, in God alone.

In line with the prerequisites of the Irish Catholic Bishops Conference, the programme presents the foundational disciplines of Catholic theology and models and practices of religious education that can enable teachers to teach in a child-centred, developmentally appropriate manner, while exploring the teacher’s own Catholic identity, while respecting the diverse religious experience of contemporary society. Catholic schools in many jurisdictions, including Northern Ireland, the Great Britain and Australia, require an equivalent of this Certificate.

Subjects taught

Year 1

RE 401 Introduction to Catholic Religious Education, Catechesis and Liturgy

RE 402 Christian Belief

Year 2

RE 403 Christian Scripture/Morality

Froebel Year 1

EDF607 Foundations of Religious Education

Froebel Year 2

EDF626 Religious Education - World Religions, Ecumenism, and Inter-Faith Dialogue

Entry requirements

This Certificate is undertaken in conjunction with the Professional Master of Education (Primary) at the Maynooth University Froebel Department of Primary and Early Childhood Education and therefore is not available as a programme of study. However, Erasmus/International students may request to undertake individual modules.


2 years full-time.

Enrolment dates

Start Date: September 2025

Post Course Info

Teaching in a Catholic School.

More details
  • Qualification letters

    PG Cert.

  • Qualifications

    Postgraduate Certificate

  • Attendance type

    Full time,Daytime

  • Apply to

    Course provider