Clinical Exercise

Trinity College Dublin

Clinical Exercise

Course Overview

The Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Exercise enables clinicians to prescribe exercise as a disease preventative and treatment modality in a safe, effective, and scientific manner. Material covered on this course includes how to accurately assess activity and fitness, and apply this knowledge for the safe and effective prescription of exercise. Research presented throughout this course will enable an understanding of the role of exercise in the prevention and treatment of disease, while case scenarios and group discussions will help apply this knowledge to patients with various pathologies.

The P.Grad.Cert. in Clinical Exercise will be delivered online and address how physical activity and exercise can become an integral part of patient prescription. In recent years evidence has emerged on the role of exercise as a treatment for those with depression, anxiety, cognitive impairment, rheumatic diseases, and other conditions where exercise was not traditionally considered beneficial.

Is This Course For Me?

This course in Clinical Exercise has been specifically designed to provide health professionals with the necessary knowledge and skills to become confident at individually prescribing exercise to people with various pathologies.

Course Structure

This Level-9 Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Exercise is offered as a one-year online course and carries 30 ECTS. The course runs from September to June.

Students will obtain credit for satisfactory engagement with lectures, by carrying out the required coursework, and by successful timely completion of online examinations and designated assignments.

Subjects taught

Students take four core modules: The Cardiovascular and Respiratory System; Physical Activity and Exercise; Exercise in the Prevention and Treatment of Disease; and Exercise Prescription for Clinical Populations.

Entry requirements

Admission Requirements

The programme is open to applicants with an NFQ Level-8 qualification or equivalent professional degree at 2.1 level (or equivalent) in the field of medicine, nursing, dietetics and nutrition, medicine, physiotherapy, occupational therapy or physiology. Graduates from other degree courses will be assessed on an individual basis.

Applicants who do not fit these criteria, but who have clinical experience will be assessed on an individual basis by the Dean of Graduate Studies.

Application dates

Closing Date: 31st July 2024

Assessment Info

Students will be assessed through the timely submission of essays, case scenarios, reflections and through the completion of multiple choice quizzes. Marks will also be awarded for substantial relevant contributions to discussion boards and for engagement with online learning resources. The final mark awarded is based on a credit-weighted average of the mark awarded in each module. The final mark for each module will be the weighted average mark derived from a combination of all the assessment elements. Students must observe all published deadline dates, which are final and have the status of examination dates. The pass mark is 50%. Compensation between modules is not allowed. Students who fail to achieve a minimum of 50% in a written assessment element may resubmit with a deadline for resubmission of one month from the publication of the initial results. Only one resubmission will be allowed, and the maximum mark awarded for the resubmitted assignment is 50%.

A student who fails the overall module but who has not taken the opportunity to resubmit any failed elements will have one opportunity to resubmit failed written elements before the supplemental examination board.

Students who have successfully passed all the required modules and accumulated 30 ECTS will be considered for a Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Exercise. Students who have achieved an overall credit-weighted average mark of at least 70% will be eligible for consideration for the award of Distinction in Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Exercise. A distinction cannot be awarded if a candidate has failed any credit during the period of study.


1 year part-time, online.

Enrolment dates

Next Intake: September 2024

Post Course Info

Career Opportunities

Graduates of this course have gone on to work in the health sector, in a public or private hospital setting, community health, occupational rehabilitation, private clinic, sport and further education or research.

More details
  • Qualification letters


  • Qualifications

    Postgraduate Certificate

  • Attendance type

    Part time

  • Apply to

    Course provider