Computer Science - Augmented & Virtual Reality

Trinity College Dublin

Computer Science - Augmented & Virtual Reality

The course equips students with the theoretical and practical knowledge to enable them to participate in the design and development of the technology that underpins the interactive entertainment industries including the fast moving video game market and the wider industries of new media and communication. The course is designed and taught by staff who are leading experts in their fields, and the course content is inspired by their cutting-edge work as well as their contacts with leading industry researchers around the globe.

Course Content and Structure

The full M.Sc. programme, comprising 90 ECTS credits, takes one full calendar year to complete and leads to the qualification of M.Sc. in Computer Science – Augmented and Virtual Reality, a Level 9 award according to the Irish National Framework for Qualifications (NFQ).

Between September and April, students attend two 12-week teaching semesters, each followed by an assessment period, where they take a range of taught modules. Then, from April to August, students work full-time on their individual research dissertations.

Students may exit with an award of Postgraduate Diploma (P.Grad.Dip.) in Computer Science – Augmented and Virtual Reality (NFQ Level 9) upon successful completion of 60 ECTS of taught modules, not including the Research Dissertation.

Subjects taught

Course Content

The following core modules are taken by all M.Sc. students on the course: Computer Vision; Machine Learning; Augmented Reality; Computer Graphics; Realtime Animation; Realtime Rendering; Advanced Software Engineering; Mathematics of Light & Sound; and Research and Innovation.

Additionally, students take a number of individually chosen elective modules from a pool of options.

Finally all students also must complete a substantial Research Dissertation which comprises a third of the entire course. Students may exit with a Postgraduate Diploma (P.Grad.Dip.) in Computer Science upon successful completion of taught modules (not including the Research Dissertation).

Please note that the course content is updated on an annual basis and some minor changes occur from year to year.

Entry requirements

Applicants must provide the following:

An upper second-class (2.1) Honours degree grade or higher from a reputable university, in Computing or related discipline.

All applicants whose first language is not English or who have not been educated through the English language will need to present evidence of competency.

Proven programming competence. All candidates will have to complete a programming test in C, C++ or Java before being offered a place on the course. Some modules may also require programming in Python and other languages.

A strong work ethic and the resolve to engage with a demanding but rewarding programme.


1 year full-time

Enrolment dates

Next Intake September 2024

Closing Date 31st July 2024

Post Course Info

Career Opportunities

We expect graduates to be in high demand for research and development positions within leading multi-national companies and start-up companies alike. Previous graduates from our M.Sc. programmes have gone on to work for games or visual effects companies, whilst many others work in broader areas involving computer vision, computer graphics or interactive digital applications. Some companies where our Alumni have taken up employment include: NVIDIA, Unity Technologies, The Foundry and Tencent Games. In some cases, our graduates have gone on to further postgraduate research, taking up funded PhD positions at TCD or other universities in Ireland abroad.

More details
  • Qualification letters


  • Qualifications

    Postgraduate Diploma (Level 9 NFQ),Degree - Masters (Level 9 NFQ)

  • Attendance type

    Full time,Daytime

  • Apply to

    Course provider