Computer Science - Intelligent Systems

Trinity College Dublin

Computer Science - Intelligent Systems

The M.Sc. in Computer Science – Intelligent Systems programme focuses on smart, interactive web applications and systems, which are becoming an integral part of our daily lives at home, in the workplace, and in social interaction. Designing and building these systems requires expertise in artificial intelligence, human language understanding and generation, web systems and applications, data analytics and knowledge engineering. This strand is closely linked to the school’s research groups involved in the ADAPT national research centre for Digital Content Technology.

Is This Course For Me?

This course is designed for graduates from a computing or closely related undergraduate background. Candidates with a good undergraduate Honours degree in disciplines such as engineering, mathematics, or statistics are also encouraged to apply, if they have acquired good programming skills. Candidates will be required to provide evidence of their computing skills and experience.

Course Structure

The full M.Sc. programme, comprising 90 ECTS credits, takes one full calendar year to complete and leads to the qualification of M.Sc. in Computer Science – Intelligent Systems, a Level 9 award under the Irish National Framework for Qualifications (NFQ).

Between September and April, students attend two 12-week teaching semesters, each followed by an assessment period, where they take a range of taught modules. Then, from April to August, students work full-time on their individual research dissertations.

Students may exit with an award of Postgraduate Diploma (P.Grad.Dip.) in Computer Science – Intelligent Systems (NFQ Level 9) upon successful completion of 60 ECTS of taught modules, not including the Research Dissertation.

Subjects taught

Course Content

The following core modules are taken by all students on the course: Machine Learning; Artificial Intelligence; Information Retrieval & Web Search; Knowledge & Data Engineering; Adaptive Applications; Text Analytics; Advanced Software Engineering; and Research Methods and Innovation.

Students also take a number of individually chosen elective modules from a pool of options.

Finally, all students complete a substantial Research Dissertation which comprises a third of the entire course.

Please note that the course is updated on an annual basis and some minor changes occur from year to year.

Entry requirements

Applicants must provide the following:

An upper second-class (2.1) Honours degree grade or higher from a reputable university, in Computing or related discipline.

All applicants whose first language is not English or who have not been educated through the English language will need to present evidence of competency.

Proven programming competence. All candidates will have to complete a programming test in C, C++ or Java before being offered a place on the course. Some modules may also require programming in Python and other languages.

A strong work ethic and the resolve to engage with a demanding but rewarding programme.


1 year full-time.

Enrolment dates

Next Intake September 2024

Closing Date 31st July 2024

Post Course Info

Career Opportunities

Employment opportunities exist in a wide range of areas such as internet-based services, financial services, mobile communication companies. Students will also benefit from the comprehensive research scope, networks, and wealth of research achievements in both the School and the ADAPT Centre. Graduates will be suited to careers in Web technology companies such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, LinkedIn, PayPal, Symantec, eBay and SAP, Business-Intelligence led organisations, Consultancy companies, Innovative start-ups building intelligent applications and IT in large organisations.

More details
  • Qualification letters


  • Qualifications

    Postgraduate Diploma (Level 9 NFQ),Degree - Masters (Level 9 NFQ)

  • Attendance type

    Full time,Daytime

  • Apply to

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