Digital Humanities & Culture

Trinity College Dublin

Digital Humanities & Culture

In the digital humanities, researchers trained in history, literature, languages, the arts, computer science and engineering combine their skills to transform our understanding of the world. They also develop the technological capacity to drive forward our ability to see patterns in human behaviours and how humans describe their experiences. What sets apart our course from other Digital Humanities courses is the equal emphasis we place on what technology can do for humanities research, and what humanities research can do to promote the rise of human-centred technology design. We also use the established collaborations across our disciplines and with our library and technical support colleagues to deliver a unique educational experience. The flow of challenges, knowledge and techniques between students and staff in the course from diverse backgrounds creates many unexpected and transformative opportunities to grow our understanding of the world.

Is This Course For Me?

The Trinity M.Phil. in Digital Humanities and Culture attracts students from a wide variety of backgrounds. Many have taken a Bachelor's, Master's or even a Ph.D. in a humanities discipline, knowledge they want to enhance with an additional methodological layer. Others are practitioners in the cultural heritage sector or creative industries, who would like to sharpen their approach to technology through the application of techniques and models from the digital humanities in their work. The degree also attracts researchers with a background in computer science or software engineering, for whom the course can satisfy a desire to deepen their understanding of the users and use contexts of the software they create under the challenging conditions presented by cultural data and contexts. This variety of perspectives within the student body makes for rich interactions and conversations.

Subjects taught

M.Phil. students take four core modules. Two of these take a more theoretical approach: Theory and Practice of Digital Humanities, and Cultural-Technical Systems. Concurrent with these two lecture and discussion-based modules, students take two practical modules: Building Digital Humanities Projects, and Digital Humanities Internships and Project Management.

Students also take two optional modules, selected from a range of options offered from across the relevant disciplines at Trinity.

Finally, students complete a research dissertation on a topic of their choice, receiving guidance from supervisors who are experts in their respective fields.

The Educational Experience

Postgraduate Certificate

Postgraduate Certificate students take three modules in total. Two of these take a theoretical approach, focussing during the Michaelmas term on the Theory and Practice of Digital Humanities and in Hilary term on Cultural-Technical Systems. At the same time as taking these two lecture and discussion–based modules, students take the practical module: Building Digital Humanities Projects.

Postgraduate Diploma

Postgraduate Diploma students take four core modules. Two of these take a theoretical approach, focussing during the Michaelmas term on the Theory and Practice of Digital Humanities and in Hilary term on Cultural-Technical Systems. At the same time as taking these two lecture and discussion–based modules, students take two practical modules: Building Digital Humanities Projects and Digital Humanities Internships and Project Management. Students also take two optional modules (one per term), selected from a range of options offered from across the relevant disciplines at Trinity, including options such as Digital Storytelling, Programming for Digital Media and Interlingual Technologies.

Master’s Degree

Master’s students take four core modules (two in each semester). Two of these take a theoretical approach, focussing during the Michaelmas term on the Theory and Practice of Digital Humanities and in Hilary term on Cultural-Technical Systems. At the same time as taking these two lecture and discussion–based modules, students take two practical modules: Building Digital Humanities Projects and Digital Humanities Internships and Project Management. Students also take two optional modules (one per term), selected from a range of options offered from across the relevant disciplines at Trinity, including options such as Digital Storytelling, Programming for Digital Media and Interlingual Technologies. Finally, students complete a research dissertation on a topic of their choice, receiving guidance from supervisors who are experts in their fields.

Entry requirements

• Applicants must:

Have a good Honours degree (at least an upper second, GPA of at least 3.3) in any of the disciplines of the humanities, library, or computer science.

Applicants must evidence their motivation and preparation to join the course through their academic writing sample (no more than 2,500 words) and completed personal statement (which must be submitted on the course template, found here.)

Students whose first language is not English will need to prove their proficiency in the language with a recognised English language qualification in line with the requirements within Postgraduate Calendar Part 3 Section 1.5 Language of Instruction. A minimum IELTS score of 6.5 in each category or its equivalent is required.

Applicants may also be asked to take part in a short interview (in person or via phone / Skype) as part of the assessment process.

Application and next steps

You may apply at any point between the applications being opened in the autumn, and the closing date being reached in the summer. However, the course is popular, and applications are handled on a first-come first-served basis. You are strongly advised to apply early in order to avoid disappointment.

We do our best to provide applicants with an answer within three weeks of receiving their full applications. Partial applications that are missing any of the materials listed below cannot be considered until they are completed.

Required Materials

For this course, you will need to submit the following materials to apply:

A) Personal Statement Form: The Personal Statement Form is an important part of our assessment process. It is your opportunity to state your reasons for applying to this programme and how they match what the programme delivers. Applicants who would like to make the Course Director aware of further information relevant to their application may also upload an optional personal cover letter to their dossier.

B) Sample of Academic Writing: As part of your application, you also need to submit a sample of no more than 2,500 words (excluding bibliography) of your best academic writing in English. When we assess your application, we will pay particular attention to your ability to:

Build and present a logical, cohesive argument.

Analyse and evaluate the arguments of others.

Adhere to the norms of academic writing (referencing, quotation, avoiding plagiarism* and other forms of academic misconduct, and bibliography).

Use academic English.

We make use of Turnitin and other software to check for plagiarism and other forms of academic misconduct in the samples submitted. An application may be rejected if samples of work submitted are found to include instances of such misconduct.

C) English Language Qualifications: Unless you have completed a degree through the medium of English or are a native speaker, you are required to prove your proficiency with the language. Trinity prefers IELTS, but will accept alternative tests run by international organisations, such as TOEFL. A minimum of 6.5 in each category or its equivalent is required.

D) Degree Certificate(s): You will need to provide degree certificates (in PDF format) that prove you have completed all of the degrees you mention in your application. If you haven’t yet completed your degree, you can still apply and supply these documents when you have them.

E) Degree Transcripts: You will need to provide official transcripts (in PDF format) showing all of the components you have completed as part of your degree(s).

F) Two Reference Letters: You will need to provide reference letters from two people not related to you who can provide references written in English, explaining why you would be a strong candidate for the course. It is the responsibility of the applicant to contact their referees and to upload their reference letters on their behalf to Trinity’s online application system. Please note that Trinity's online application system does not prompt referees for their reference letters; the applicant must therefore obtain the letters first and then upload them to the system.

G) Current Professional CV: Although this is not a formal requirement for entry into the programme, we may use your CV in the course of organising an internship experience for you.

H) Online Application Form: Once you have all of these, click here and then click “Apply” to fill out the online application form in full, not forgetting to upload all the requested materials as attachments.

IMPORTANT: please note that you must specify the category of each attachment you upload (for example, when uploading a reference letter, you need to specify that the attachment is a “Reference”). Otherwise, your application will be deemed incomplete.

Application dates

To apply, click on the relevant Apply Link below

Digital Humanities and Culture (P.Grad.Cert) - Part-Time28/JUN/2024

Digital Humanities and Culture (P.Grad.Dip) - Full-Time28/JUN/2024

Digital Humanities and Culture (M.Phil.) - Full-Time28/JUN/2024


M.Phil - One year Full Time

PG Certificate - One year Part Time

Diploma - One year full time

Enrolment dates

Next Intake September 2024

Closing Date 28th June 2024

Post Course Info

Career Opportunities

This course prepares graduates for careers in project management, cultural outreach, NGO activities, exhibition creation, media and communications, data management, research, and humane technology management.

More details
  • Qualification letters

    M.Phil. / P.Grad.Cert / P.Grad.Dip.

  • Qualifications

    Postgraduate Diploma (Level 9 NFQ),Degree - Masters (Level 9 NFQ),Postgraduate Certificate

  • Attendance type

    Full time,Part time,Daytime

  • Apply to

    Course provider