Economic Science in Policy Analysis

Institute of Public Administration - IPA

Economic Science in Policy Analysis

Accreditation: National University of Ireland

Place on NFQ: Level 9 (Major Award).

Award: Master of Economic Science in Policy Analysis.

Interim Award: Postgraduate Diploma in Policy Analysis (one year).

The Programme

This two-year, part-time programme addresses the tangible need for the development of policy analysis skills across the wider public service. It explores subjects that are crucial to the expert assessment of contemporary public policy, including project management, economic and financial analysis, social policy analysis and cost-benefit analysis. On completion of the first year of the programme, students receive the Postgraduate Diploma in Policy Analysis. In the second year, they complete a supervised dissertation on a policy analysis issue that they are particularly interested in.

The subjects taken in the first year, including a module on research methods, will help prepare students to choose and complete an appropriate dissertation. Graduates of this programme are very well-equipped to play a role in the formulation and implementation of public policies in a very wide range of areas.

Is This Programme For You?

Yes, if you appreciate the vital role that policy analysis plays in promoting economic and social progress and want to understand the tools and methodologies that should be applied in such analysis. You may well work in the wider public service and wish to play a professional role in the formulation and analysis of policy.

Subjects taught

Year One

Postgraduate Diploma in Policy Analysis

Students take four subjects in each of the two semesters:

Semester One (September – December)

• Elements of Economic Analysis

• Financial Analysis

• Public Sector Economics

• Policy Evaluation

Semester Two (January – April)

• Economic Evaluation and Cost-Benefit Analysis

• Project and Risk Management

• Research Methods

• Social Policy Analysis

Year Two

Master of Economic Science in Policy Analysis

In the second and final year of the programme, students complete a dissertation on a policy analysis issue, building on the knowledge and skills that they have obtained in the Diploma year. Students participate in dissertation workshops to discuss their research and their ideas.

Entry requirements

Admission Requirements

Applicants must have a primary degree or equivalent qualification.

Application dates

Go to

Download the programme application form and complete it in full.

Email that form, along with all the items below, to, with the subject heading: Application for: Name of Programme. The items below must be scanned and included as attachments in the email:

A passport-type photograph.

A scan of your degree or relevant qualification.

The semester fee OR a letter from your employer confirming that fees will be paid directly to the IPA.

Places on the programmes are limited and demand for places is likely to exceed the number available. Consequently, you are strongly advised to apply as early as possible.

Assessment Info

The first year is assessed on the basis of exams at the end of each semester. The second year is assessed on the basis of the student dissertation.


Two academic years.

Delivery Method

In the first year – the Postgraduate Diploma in Policy Analysis – students attend lectures at the IPA on one day each week. The second year is devoted, under expert supervision, to the preparation of a dissertation.


The cost of the first year of the programme (Postgraduate Diploma in Policy Analysis) is €7,900 per annum. The fee for the second year (Master of Economic Science in Policy Analysis) is €5,000 per annum. Fees include all matriculation and examination fees, all seminars, textbooks and course material, payable in two instalments.

Enrolment dates

Commences: September 2024

More details
  • Qualification letters


  • Qualifications

    Degree - Masters (Level 9 NFQ),Postgraduate Diploma (Level 9 NFQ)

  • Attendance type

    Part time,Daytime

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    Course provider