Educational Practice

A key aim of the programme is to provide learners with a comprehensive knowledge of relevant educational scholarship in the area of teaching and learning, to support critical engagement with and the application of theoretical knowledge to practical learning contexts, to become competent and reflective educational practitioners, and to support engagement with current relevant research and the ability to ethically and appropriately carry out independent research. In addition to academic modules, learners also complete a work-based placement/practicum designed to build relevant sectoral and professional knowledge and enhance professional practice as educators.

The course is designed to develop understanding of theories and behaviours associated with learning and development, while also enhancing research and practical skills. The course focuses on developing self-awareness as well as the competence to facilitate the development of individuals in a range of contexts by, for example, the application of new technologies to instruction, the use of strategies to support learning, and the creation of valuable and effective assessments.

Throughout this course, learners will be encouraged to enquire, question and critique modern conceptions of how we learn and how we can bring about change in others. The course will include guest lecturers and a variety of participative instructional approaches. Learners will be expected to complete practical assignments and to build their skills as a learning professional. In the second year of the programme, learners are expected to complete a research-based dissertation.

Who is the course for?

The Master of Arts in Educational Practice is for learning professionals who wish to develop their knowledge, skills and competence in the development of others. It proves particularly useful if you are: facilitating learning at higher or further education levels; a learning professional in corporate education and training settings; involved in adult and community education or if you are interested in your own lifelong learning.

Subjects taught

Year 1

• Theories of Learning and Teaching

• Contemporary and Enduring Questions in Education

• Strategies of Learning and Teaching

• Educational Practice for Diversity and Inclusion

• Practicum in Educational Practice

• Coaching and Mentoring for Learning and Personal Development

• Technology Enhanced Learning

• Educational Assessment and Feedback

Year 2

• Contextual Studies

• Research with Qualitative and Quantitative Methods

• Dissertation

Entry requirements

Applicants holding an Honours Degree 2.2 (Level 8) in any discipline ideally with professional involvement in the facilitation of learning or training will be considered for the course. The college operates a Recognition of Prior Experiential Learning (RPEL) scheme, which means that applicants who do not meet the normal academic requirements may be considered based on relevant work or other relevant experience. All applicants will be interviewed by the Programme Director or a member of the programme team.

Garda Vetting

Depending on where applicants are working, there may be a requirement for Garda Vetting. If Garda Vetting is required, the applicant will be informed during their interview with the Programme Director.

Laptop Requirement

All students applying to NCI must have access to a laptop that will allow them to attend classes online and, where relevant, to participate in on-campus learning. Some students may be able to avail of the Student Laptop Loan Scheme, subject to eligibility.

Application dates

Application: Apply online at


2 years


Blended – Livestream (online) classes with some campus classes and some in-person exams, scheduled in advance.

Indicative Timetable

Year 1: Tuesday and Thursday 18.30 - 21.30 and some Saturdays 09.30 - 13.30.

Year 2: Sept - May: Tuesday and Thursday 18.30 - 21.30 and some Saturdays 09.30 - 13.30 May - Sept: The dissertation is submitted in semester 3.

Enrolment dates

Start Date: September 2024.

Post Course Info

Award and Progression

The Master of Arts in Educational Practice is awarded by QQI at level 9 on the National Framework of Qualifications. This award will allow transfer to level 9 research degrees and in some cases progression to doctoral study at level 10 on the NFQ.

More details
  • Qualification letters


  • Qualifications

    Degree - Masters (Level 9 NFQ)

  • Attendance type

    Blended,Daytime,Evening,Part time,Weekend

  • Apply to

    Course provider