Engineering - Automation & Digital Manufacturing - Galway

ATU - Galway Campuses

Engineering - Automation & Digital Manufacturing - Galway

Who should apply?

This programme is suitable for those looking to move into automation engineering positions or advanced manufacturing ones - such as digitalisation of manufacturing, data analytics, operation managementin the medical device and engineering manufacturing sectors.

Subjects taught


Students take the mandatory modules (M) and choose 4 other modules from the list of electives. Some electives might only run if sufficient demand.

Industrial Control Systems (M)

Decision Theory and Data Visualisation

Industrial Robotics (M)

Machine Vision for Industry

Cloud Infrastructure and Enterprise Services

Digital Twin Technology

Lean Process Automation (M)

System Integration (M)

Industrial Networks

Actuators for Industrial Automation

Advanced Automation

Database Design and Development

Digital Transformation Project (M)

Entry requirements

The entry requirement for the programme is a Bachelor (Hons) in Manufacturing Engineering (or cognate, including Mechanical, Electronic, Electrical Engineering) with a minimum of one year working in the manufacturing industry. As the digital transformation project is an applied project to be conducted in industry, applicants should either be employed or have an agreement with a company that will allow them to conduct their project in their manufacturing facilities.


2 years part-time, blended.

Study Hours

Students will undertake 60 credits per year, which is a full-time academic load. Their employer should commit to reduce their professional workload by a minimum of 12 hours per week during the academic year to accommodate study time and a minimum of 4 hours for the rest of the year to work on their project.

On-Campus Attendance

Students attend on-site classes one day per week.

More details
  • Qualifications

    Higher Diploma (Level 8 NFQ)

  • Attendance type

    Part time,Blended

  • Apply to

    Course provider