Engineering - Mechanical & Biomedical Engineering - Research

The Discipline is internationally recognised for research excellence in mechanical engineering, biomechanics and biomaterials, with over 60 postgraduate students and post-doctoral researchers. The Discipline is closely linked with the National Centre for Biomedical Engineering Science, an interdisciplinary centre where engineers, scientists, and clinicians collaborate on therapeutic solutions to current medical challenges.

The Network of Excellence for Functional Biomaterials, the Energy Research Centre, the Composites Research Unit, the Micromechanics Research Unit, and the Aerospace Research Centre are focal points for other major research activities.

The active areas of research are listed below alongside the staff member primarily involved. Admission to a particular degree programme requires the agreement of the Head of Discipline and the support of a staff member who will act as the Research Supervisor. Therefore, applicants should first contact the Discipline for discussions on the selection of a suitable and available research topic.

Entry requirements

MEngSc—Bachelor of Engineering (honours) or equivalent, at second class honours grade one level or above.

MApplSc—honours degree from a recognised university or third level college or a pass degree with at least three years relevant experience.

Application dates

Applications to most postgraduate programmes at University of Galway are made online via (see "Application Weblink").


MEngSc (Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering), full-time

MEngSc (Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering), part-time

MApplSc (Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering), full-time

MApplSc (Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering), part-time

More details
  • Qualification letters

    MEngSc MApplSc

  • Qualifications

    Degree - Masters (Level 9 NFQ)

  • Attendance type

    Daytime,Full time,Part time

  • Apply to

    Course provider