Environmental Management with Geographic Information Systems - Online

Ulster University - Belfast

Environmental Management with Geographic Information Systems - Online

This programme in Environmental Management with GIS provides an advanced education in environmental management, with an emphasis on the concepts and methods for analysing spatial environmental data which are encapsulated within geographic information systems.

Students will learn the principles and practice of environmental management within the contexts of biodiversity management and the contribution of empirical and case study scientific research, as well as fostering advanced knowledge and skills in the manipulation and analysis of spatial environmental data.

Key skills which will be developed are:

• Biodiversity management plans and site restoration design

• Ecological monitoring

• Environmental management systems

• Research analysis and data interpretation techniques

• Management, processing, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of geo-spatial data operation and use of geographic information systems

The majority of students on the course are already working in industry or public services and taking the course has helped them to gain promotion and/or change careers as a result of their new skills.

For further course details please see "Course Web Page".

Subjects taught


Here is a guide to the subjects studied on this course.

The PGDip programme consists of two distinct pathways – pathway 1 (75% Env Man modules & 25% GIS modules) and pathway 2 (50% Env Man modules & 50% GIS modules). Some of the modules on this course rotate so they run in alternative years. When you start the course will dictate which modules you will take and the order in which you take them.

The PG Dip takes 2 years part time, studying 60 credits per year. The MSc takes a further year.

Environmental Management modules –

• EGM804 – Environmental Impact Assessment (30 credits) - this module will run in January 2023, January 2025, January 2027, January 2029

• EGM801 – Biodiversity Management (30 credits) - this module will run in January 2024, January 2026, January 2028, January 2030

• EGM821 – Pollution Monitoring (30 credits) - this module will run in September 2024, September 2026, September 2028, September 2030

• GIS modules – (these modules run each year so depending when the above Env Man run and what pathway you choose will dictate what modules you take and when they are taken)

• EGM711 – Principles of GIS (15 credits) – this module runs in weeks 1-6 of semester 1 (September) and is a compulsory module

• EGM712 – Spatial Data Management (15 credits) – this module runs in weeks 7-12 of semester 1 (November) and is a compulsory module.

• EGM715 – Web-Based GIS (15 credits) this module runs in weeks 1-6 of semester 2 (January) and is an optional module

• EGM714 – GIS in Business & Society (15 credits) – this module runs in weeks 7-12 of semester 2 (March) and is an optional module.

• EGM716 – Spatial Analysis (15 credits) this module runs in weeks 1-6 of semester 2 (January) and is an optional module.

• EGM721 – GIS for Environmental Management (15 credits) – this module runs in weeks 7-12 of semester 2 (March) and is an optional module.

Upon successful completion of the PG Dip students can proceed to the MSc and will take EGM815 Environmental Management Projectthis is a 60 credit module. This module provides students with the opportunity to undertake a substantial piece of research in an area of particular interest to the student. The student will be assessed on their project plan, a literature review, a poster/presentation and a research paper on an area agreed with the student's supervisor.

Entry requirements

Standard entry conditions

To apply to our postgraduate taught programmes, you must meet the University’s General Entrance Requirements and any course-specific requirements.

Entry Requirements

Entry to the PgDip:

You must hold a degree in a science or other suitable discipline or demonstrate your ability to undertake the course through the accreditation of prior experiential learning.

Entry to the MSc:

You initially register for the Postgraduate Diploma (PgDip) and if you complete the PgDip with an overall mark of 50% or higher can proceed to the MSc programme.

Application dates

Your Application

Application is through the University's online application system (see "Application Weblink").


This course is taught online so you can study where you want, when you want.

Enrolment dates

Start Date: September 2024 and January 2025

Post Course Info

Career options

The majority of students on the course are already working in industry or public services and taking the course has helped them to gain promotion and/or change careers as a result of their new skills.

Key skills which will be developed are:

• Biodiversity management plans and site restoration design

• Ecological monitoring

• Environmental management systems

• Research analysis and data interpretation techniques

• Management, processing, analysis, interpretation and presentation of geo-spatial data

• Operation and use of Geographic Information Systems.

More details
  • Qualification letters


  • Qualifications

    Degree - Masters at UK Level 7,Postgraduate Diploma at UK Level 7,Postgraduate Certificate at UK Level 7

  • Attendance type

    Part time

  • Apply to

    Course provider