Geography - Research

Our flagship research degree is our structured PhD programme. The structured PhD focuses on the completion of taught modules in conjunction with a research thesis. This has proven to be highly successful and enables our PhD students to achieve the best possible experience of graduate research and training. Making a substantial and original contribution to knowledge, normally leading to peer-reviewed publications is a core goal of doctoral studies in the UCD School of Geography. For a list of current research students, click here.

Doctoral students normally have two supervisors, a research advisory panel that consists of experts who support the students from cognate areas of research. A two stage process ensures that students have developed their research design and have achieved the high standards expected of doctoral degrees. Stage transfer offers students the opportunity to present their work and receive feedback from scholars outside of their research team and gives invaluable viva experience. The doctoral programme in the school is overseen by the Research Director who is a key point of contact for current students. For further details on UCD graduate programmes click here. In order to identify a suitable supervisor, please click staff pages here.

The School of Geography offers two Research Masters Programmes (MLitt - Human Geography and MSc - Physical Geography). These degrees are suitable for students who want to carry out research either with the view to progressing towards a PhD degree in the future or simply gaining the skill set that accompanies investigative research.

The structured PhD includes several measures designed to support you in achieving your academic and professional objectives. One of these measures is the requirement of each PhD student to have a Doctoral Studies Panel. The purpose of the Doctoral Studies Panel is to support and enhance the supervisor-student relationship, to monitor your progress during the course of your doctoral studies and to provide advice and support both to you and your supervisor(s). The panel consists not only of your supervisor(s) but also additional advisor(s). A further measure of support is the requirement in the structured programme to complete at least 30 credits of graduate taught modules at the early stages of your study. Thus, each student gains important experience not only in research but also in broader academic field of study.

The Research Masters Programme includes several measures designed to support you in achieving your academic and professional objectives. One of these measures is the requirement of each student to have a Research Masters Panel. The purpose of the Research Masters Panel is to support and enhance the supervisor-student relationship, to monitor your progress during the course of your doctoral studies and to provide advice and support both to you and your supervisor(s). A further measure of support is the possibility to complete taught modules at the early stages of your study.

Entry requirements

Teaching in Irish Universities is through the medium of English; therefore all applicants are required to demonstrate a high level of competence in English language.

UCD's minimum English Language Requirements are approved by the University Programmes Board and apply to all applicants and all levels of study.

Application dates

To apply to our taught masters courses, click the link above follow the instructions and submit key documentation. A broad idea project idea is sufficient and can be altered during your course.

Before applying for any of our PhD or Research Master Programmes, you are strongly recommended to prepare a research project to upload (4 or 5 pages written in academic style to detail your research proposal) and to contact a possible supervisor in the School of Geography to discuss your project and its possible funding. The name of your potential supervisor should be mentioned in your project.


Geography (W117) MLitt Research 2 Years FT / 4 years PT

Geography (W124) MSc Research 2 Years FT / 4 years PT

Geography (W137) PhD Research 3 Years FT / 6 Years PT


PhD and Research Masters (MLitt) for 2018/19:

EU: fee per year - €6,170 (full-time)

EU: fee per year - €4,080 (part-time)

non-EU: fee per year - €11,885 (full-time)

Fees are subject to change

More details
  • Qualification letters

    MLitt / MSc / PhD

  • Qualifications

    Degree - Masters (Level 9 NFQ),Degree - Doctoral (Level 10 NFQ)

  • Attendance type

    Full time,Part time,Daytime

  • Apply to

    Course provider