
Institute of Public Administration - IPA


Accreditation: National University of Ireland

Place on NFQ: Level 10 (Major Award).

Interim Award: Master of Science in Applied Governance (if exiting the programme after the second year).

The Programme

The DGov is a 4 - 5 year professional doctoral programme. It provides public policy-makers and public sector managers with the advanced knowledge and high-level critical skills that their professional lives demand. Students explore how public policy-making has evolved, and is continuing to evolve, as a result of changes in the structure and practices of the modern state. The programme will enable policy-makers to gain a comprehensive understanding of issues and patterns of governance in Ireland and abroad. A wide range of modules are taught in its first two years before students undertake a research project under expert guidance.

Participant Profile

The DGov programme attracts participants from the civil service, local government service, health services, security services, other state services and the voluntary sector in Ireland, Great Britain and the rest of Europe. Applicants should normally possess a primary and postgraduate degree, or equivalent qualification, of at least upper second class honours (2.1) standard and have at least five years’ full-time work experience at an appropriate level in a relevant public service profession. Interviews may be held to assess the suitability of applicants.

The DGov is the Whitaker School’s highest award and produces graduates with great expertise in issues fundamental to a successful and rewarding career in the public service and related fields. Study groups and peer interaction are facilitated and encouraged.

Key Attributes

The DGov programme:

• Provides a unique curriculum of doctoral level education

• Is delivered under the direction of a team of expert academics and practitioners

• Focuses on applying academic understandings and skills to professional practice

• Facilitates research into, and debate on, key issues affecting policy-making and governance

• Creates opportunities to develop inter-jurisdiction networks

• Includes a doctoral research project on a subject of the participant’s choice

• Provides extensive participant support, including an induction workshop, a personal tutor and guidance at each study session

Programme Delivery and Evaluation

This part-time programme is delivered by means of directed study and a research project on a subject relevant to the participant’s work experience and professional formation. Participants can pursue the programme no matter where they live or work but must attend a number of intensive weekend residential study sessions. Evaluation is based on assignment papers prepared by participants under the direction of the tutors responsible for the different programme modules and the final research project.

Module Seminars

Seminars comprise lectures and workshops and are scheduled over specific days for each module. They address key areas in the literature and provide guidance on module assessment.

Subjects taught

Years One And Two

The first two years of the programme are devoted to ten modules:

• Governance and the Modern State

• Governance in Europe

• Governance and Regulation

• Economics and Governance

• Corporate Governance

• Public Administration and Governance

• Governance, Policy and Implementation

• Social Justice and Governance

• Research Methods

• Professional Practice Module

On successfully completing the first two years, students can exit the programme with the award of MSc in Applied Governance.

Subsequent Years

The remaining years of the programme are devoted to a research project of 50,000 words on an agreed subject of the participant’s choosing. During this dissertation phase, students work under the direction of a supervisor and attend periodic workshops.

Entry requirements

Applicants should normally possess a primary and postgraduate degree, or equivalent qualification, of at least upper second class honours (2.1) standard and have at least three years’ full-time work experience at an appropriate level in a relevant public service profession. Interviews may be held to assess the suitability of applicants.

Application dates

Go to

Download the programme application form and complete it in full.

Email that form, along with all the items below, to, with the subject heading: Application for: Name of Programme. The items below must be scanned and included as attachments in the email:

A passport-type photograph.

A scan of your degree or relevant qualification.

The semester fee OR a letter from your employer confirming that fees will be paid directly to the IPA.

Places on the programmes are limited and demand for places is likely to exceed the number available. Consequently, you are strongly advised to apply as early as possible.


4 - 5 years.

Delivery Method

The programme is delivered via seminars at the IPA campus, webinars, directed study, and (under expert supervision) a research project.


The cost of the programme is €8,000 per annum.

Enrolment dates

Commences: September/ October 2024

More details
  • Qualification letters


  • Qualifications

    Degree - Doctoral (Level 10 NFQ),Degree - Masters (Level 9 NFQ)

  • Attendance type

    Blended,Daytime,Part time

  • Apply to

    Course provider