Healthcare - Advanced Healthcare Practice & Research

Course Overview

The overall aim of the MSc Advanced Healthcare Practice and Research is two-pronged:

The first aim is to develop participants’ capacity to take a leadership role in relation to teaching healthcare students. The programme will empower participants to become competent and self-directed clinical educators. Many healthcare professionals report feeling under-trained to take on the responsibilities of the clinical educator role. Lack of knowledge, skills and confidence in teaching and assessing students particularly weak and challenging students are commonly cited concerns. This MSc will provide opportunities for participants to advance their skills in teaching, assessment and research in the clinical context. Participants will become skilled role models in the implementation of high quality educational environments to enhance practice for educators, students and clients.

The second aim of this MSc is to advance participants’ capacity in relation to research in their chosen clinical field of specialism. There is an increased emphasis on evidence-based practice within healthcare professions. The aims of this MSc are also to develop learners with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to use and contribute to evidence-based practice and to enable them to take a leadership role in designing and implementing research to support best practice.

On completion of the MSc participants will be able to:

Critically appraise, design and implement evidence based clinical teaching approaches and methods;

Critically appraise assessment methodology and its impact on the learner and the learning environment;

Design, implement and reflect on procedures which enhance the quality of student placements;

Critically appraise, design and manage a piece of semi-independent research

Subjects taught

There will be five taught modules. These will include;

Educational Research

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module, students will be able to:

Explain the similarities and differences between educational and healthcare research;

Describe educational research paradigms, strategies and methods;

Prepare a robust research proposal;

Implement a research design;

Analyse quantitative and/or qualitative data using appropriate techniques;

Report and present research findings in the form of a research paper;

Enter, manage and analyse data using SPSSS and NVivo as appropriate;

Show due regard to research ethics;

Critically reflect on research practice.

Clinical Teaching in SLT

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module, students will be able to:

Critically appraise the stages of student learning and describe learning theories that underpin practice education;

Critically appraise and implement best practice in student education;

Interpret the legislation impacting student education;

Critically appraise the existing and emerging evidence base in relation to challenges experienced on placement;

Design, implement and reflect on procedures which enhance the quality of student placements.

Clinical Teaching Methodologies

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module, students will be able to:

Implement and evaluate effective clinical teaching using appropriate theory based techniques;

Categorise explanation into different approaches and apply them to different educational challenges;

Explain how to use different questioning styles to promote effective learning;

Describe different types of feedback and explain why feedback is a vital part of the learning cycle;

Plan, facilitate and evaluate active learning in small groups in a clinical setting;

Plan, deliver and evaluate an effective lecture, and encourage active learning in a large group teaching setting;

Describe what is meant by "teaching scripts" and explain why some strategies are more useful than others for teaching in particular contexts;

Demonstrate proficiency in key clinical teaching skills such as bedside teaching, giving feedback and using questions appropriately.

Entry requirements

Applications are made online via the University of Galway Postgraduate Applications System.

While not compulsory it is recommended that applicants should;

Have relevant experience in clinical teaching.

For those applicants who do not have clinical teaching experience opportunities can be provided at University of Galway. Participants will not get paid for this work and are advised to contact the Course Director in advance to discuss.

The Discipline of SLT may be able to provide some opportunities for clinical experience for new graduates to enable them to maintain their clinical skills and access participants for their dissertation. Supervision and mentoring will be offered and participants will not get paid for this work.

Applicants should be eligible to

Obtain Garda clearance in the event they wish to carry out a thesis with clients or engage in clinical work.

Be eligible to register with CORU.


1 year full-time

2 years-part-time.

Enrolment dates

Next start date September 2024

Closing Date 31 July 2024

Post Course Info

Career Opportunities

On completion of this MSc, you will be well positioned to pursue senior, specialist and managerial posts within the HSE and voluntary agencies. You may also choose to pursue opportunities in academic teaching. The interdisciplinary learning environment will equip you with new and innovative ways of working in our challenging healthcare system.

More details
  • Qualification letters


  • Qualifications

    Degree - Masters (Level 9 NFQ)

  • Attendance type

    Full time,Part time,Daytime

  • Apply to

    Course provider