Healthcare Quality Improvement - Online

University College Cork

Healthcare Quality Improvement - Online

Course Outline

Course Outline

Our online MSc in Healthcare Quality Improvement course is an exciting, contemporary, degree for healthcare professionals, offering a flexible mode of learning while continuing to work.

This programme will enable practitioners to take leadership roles in an increasingly complex healthcare environment with an emphasis on quality improvement in healthcare. It should appeal to students from a number of clinical areas and from management positions.

This online programme offers a flexible online approach to learning, designed to allow healthcare professionals to undertake their studies while working simultaneously. The programme is designed to allow students to undertake their studies while working simultaneously with the intention to suit service, personal and academic requirements.

Postgraduate Certificate in Healthcare Quality Improvement

The MSc programme consists of seven modules to the value of 70 credits and one module to the value of 20 credits. Students have the option of exiting the programme after completing 30 credits with a Postgraduate Certificate in Healthcare Quality Improvement.

Postgraduate Diploma in Healthcare Quality Improvement

Students have the option of exiting the programme after completing Year 1 and one 10-credit (NU6306) module in Year 2 with a Postgraduate Diploma in Healthcare Quality Improvement.

Subject areas covered in the MSc programme include digital healthcare, contemporary issues in healthcare, practice enhancement for quality healthcare, advancing practice for patient safety, clinical leadership for healthcare quality improvement, implementation of evidence-based practice, and advanced research methods applied to healthcare. The final project will involve conducting a systematic investigation of a problem relevant to the student’s practice area using the research process.

Subjects taught

Modules - 90 credits over two years as follows:

Year 1

• NU6313 Digital Healthcare (10 credits)

• NU6303 Advancing Practice for Patient Safety (10 credits)

• NU6302 Practice Enhancement for Quality Healthcare (10 credits)

• NU6310 Implementation of Evidence-Based Practice for Quality Improvement in Healthcare (10 credits)

• NU6312 Contemporary Issues in Healthcare (10 credits)

Year 2

• NU6306 Clinical Leadership for Healthcare Quality Improvement (10 credits)

• NU6304 Advanced Research Methods Applied to Healthcare (10 credits)

• NU6309 Applied Research for Evidence-Based Practice and Quality Improvement (20 credits)

Entry requirements

Applicants must satisfy the following to be eligible to apply:

• Applicants must be qualified healthcare professionals registered with the regulatory body in their country of residence.

• Applicants must have a primary honours degree (NFQ, Level 8) or equivalent.

Note: In exceptional circumstances, applicants who do not fulfil this entry requirement may be recommended for entry to the programme under Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) following a review of their individual qualifications and experience by the programme committee. Some such applicants may be invited for an interview to satisfy the selection committee of their suitability for the programme. Admission to such applicants will be subject to the approval of the School of Nursing and Midwifery.

Technical Entry Requirements:

To access and interact with the programme content, assignments and assessments etc. students will require reliable broadband and access to at least a PC/Laptop running Windows 7 or later and Mac OSX 10.7.4. Common plug-ins such as Microsoft Silverlight, Java and Flash will also be required. Students must have access to MS Office or an equivalent suite of applications such as Libre Office. They must also have access to a modern standards-compliant web browser. UCC recommends either Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. To engage productively and successfully with the content, basic technical computer skills such as familiarity with word processing, web browsing and email are recommended.

Application dates

Closing Date

Open until all places have been filled or no later than 7 June 2024. Early application is advised.

Assessment Info

A range of continuous assessments are used across the modules. These include essays, case study discussion, portfolio submission, digital presentation, accumulative report writing and online activities. In addition, students complete a written research/evidence based project as the final module of the programme.


2 years part-time online.

Enrolment dates

Start Date: 2 September 2024

Post Course Info

Skills and Careers Information

What can I do after I graduate with an MSc in Healthcare Quality Improvement?

This online, MSc in Healthcare Quality Improvement enables students to take a leadership role in clinical practice in an increasingly complex healthcare environment with an emphasis on quality improvement in healthcare.

The programme prepares healthcare professionals to advance patient-centred care with a specific skillset relevant to contemporary healthcare including but not limited to patient safety, digital healthcare, practice enhancement and quality improvement, research and evidence-based practice, and managing and leading change innovation.

Our graduates will be well-positioned to engage in leadership roles relating to quality improvement initiatives, and middle/senior management in their work environments as well as seeking promotional opportunities in these areas. Our graduates will be qualified to pursue a number of exciting careers including:

• Management

• Practice development positions

• Quality improvement/project manager positions

• Clinical research positions

More details
  • Qualification letters


  • Qualifications

    Degree - Masters (Level 9 NFQ)

  • Attendance type

    Part time

  • Apply to

    Course provider