Trinity College Dublin
Histories & Humanities - Research
The School of Histories and Humanities comprises the Departments of Classics, History, History of Art and Architecture, and the Centre for Gender and Women’s Studies. With ca. 40 full-time academic members of staff the School enjoys an international research profile in a wide range of disciplines and subject areas, including Classical, Medieval and Modern History, History of Art and Architecture, archaeology, philosophy, Latin and Greek language and literature, and Gender and Women’s Studies. We currently have ca. 100 research students and an even larger number of students registered on our taught Masters courses. Staff are dedicated to research-led teaching, ready to listen to students’ ideas and open to interdisciplinary approaches.
The School regularly hosts international conferences and runs six major research seminars. These provide a forum for scholars and postgraduates from all over the world to present their research and exchange ideas. The School also plays an active role in many of Ireland’s leading research centres. Eight of these are located within the School: the Trinity Irish Art Research Centre (TRIARC); the Trinity Medieval History Research Centre; the Trinity Centre for Early Modern History; the Trinity Centre for Contemporary Irish History; the Trinity Centre for Irish, Scottish and Comparative Studies; the Trinity Centre for War Studies; the Trinity Centre for Gender and Women’s Studies; and the Trinity Centre for Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies
Taught Masters Degrees (M.Phil.)
The School offers nine taught M.Phil. courses of 1 year’s duration (2 years part-time). The courses are an opportunity to explore a special interest area in greater depth. They also offer a recognised pathway to doctoral studies as they provide generic research skills training in addition to specialist knowledge and practice in writing a research thesis. For information on individual courses please see the Postgraduate Taught Courses section of the website and our Course Directors will be happy to answer your questions. In some circumstances applications may be considered after the advertised closing date (the responsible Course Director can advise).
Research Degrees (Ph.D. and M.Litt.)
The School offers research supervision across all of its disciplines within the context of its structured Doctoral Programme (Ph.D., 4 years full-time, 6 years part-time) and Research Masters (M.Litt., 2 years full-time, 3 years part-time), with entry dates of 1 September and 1 March. The School also offers a non-residential version of its Ph.D. and M.Litt. programmes.
Our programmes offers a wide variety of postgraduate training modules, career development options, and teaching opportunities for advanced research students. Many of our students are successful in securing grants for their studies from internal sources or external funders such as the Irish Research Council.
Application dates
March 2025 Entry
Master in Letters, Classics (Part-Time) - Part-Time 31/Mar/2025
Master in Letters, Classics (Full-Time) - Full-Time 31/Mar/2025
Master in Letters, Centre for Gender and Women's Studies (Part-Time) - Part-Time 31/Mar/2025
Master in Letters, Centre for Gender and Women's Studies (Full-Time) - Full-Time 31/Mar/2025
Master in Letters, History of Art (Part-Time) - Part-Time 31/Mar/2025
Master in Letters, History of Art (Full-Time) - Full-Time 31/Mar/2025
Master in Letters, History (Part-Time) - Part-Time 31/Mar/2025
Master in Letters, History (Full-Time) - Full-Time 31/Mar/2025
Doctor in Philosophy, Classics (Part-Time) - Part-Time 31/Mar/2025
Doctor in Philosophy, Classics (Full-Time) - Full-Time 31/Mar/2025
Doctor in Philosophy, Centre for Gender and Women's Studies (Part-Time) - Part-Time 31/Mar/2025
Doctor in Philosophy, Centre for Gender and Women's Studies (Full-Time) - Full-Time 31/Mar/2025
Doctor in Philosophy, History of Art (Part-Time) - Part-Time 31/Mar/2025
Doctor in Philosophy, History of Art (Full-Time) - Full-Time 31/Mar/2025
Doctor in Philosophy, History (Part-Time) - Part-Time 31/Mar/2025
Doctor in Philosophy, History (Full-Time) - Full-Time 31/Mar/2025
September 2025 Entry
Master in Letters, Classics (Part-Time) - Part-Time 30/Sep/2025
Master in Letters, Classics (Full-Time) - Full-Time 30/Sep/2025
Master in Letters, Centre for Gender and Women's Studies (Part-Time) - Part-Time 30/Sep/2025
Master in Letters, Centre for Gender and Women's Studies (Full-Time) - Full-Time 30/Sep/2025
Master in Letters, History of Art (Part-Time) - Part-Time 30/Sep/2025
Master in Letters, History of Art (Full-Time) - Full-Time 30/Sep/2025
Master in Letters, History (Part-Time) - Part-Time 30/Sep/2025
Master in Letters, History (Full-Time) - Full-Time 30/Sep/2025
PhD in Classics - Part-Time 30/Sep/2025
PhD in Classics - Full-Time 30/Sep/2025
PhD in Centre for Gender and Women's Studies - Part-Time 30/Sep/2025
PhD in Centre for Gender and Women's Studies - Full-Time 30/Sep/2025
PhD in History of Art - Part-Time 30/Sep/2025
PhD in History of Art - Full-Time 30/Sep/2025
PhD in History - Part-Time 30/Sep/2025
PhD in History - Full-Time 30/Sep/2025
In exceptional circumstances it may be possible to register retrospectively. Applicants wishing to be considered for retrospective admission should contact the Graduate Studies Office by emailing
Enrolment dates
Next Intake: March 2025 / September 2025
School Description:
The School of Histories and Humanities comprises the Departments of Classics, History, History of Art and Architecture and the Centre for Gender and Women's Studies. With 36 full-time academic members of staff the School enjoys an international research profile in a wide range of disciplines and subject areas, including archaeology, philosophy, Latin and Greek language and literature, Classical, Medieval and Modern History, History of Art and Architecture and Gender and Women's Studies. We currently have 120 research students and 80 taught students registered on our postgraduate courses. Staff are dedicated to research-led teaching, ready to listen to students' ideas and open to interdisciplinary approaches.
The School regularly hosts international conferences and runs six major research seminars. These provide a forum for scholars and postgraduates from all over the world to present their research and exchange ideas. The School also plays an active role in many of Ireland's leading research centres . Eight of these are located within the School: the Trinity Irish Art Research Centre; the Trinity Medieval History Research Centre; the Trinity Centre for Early Modern History; the Trinity Centre for Contemporary Irish History; the Trinity Centre for Irish, Scottish and Comparative Studies; the Trinity Centre for War Studies; the Trinity Centre for Gender and Women's Studies; and the Trinity Centre for Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies.
Taught Masters Degrees (M.Phil.)
The School offers eight taught M.Phil. courses of 1 year's duration (2 years part-time). The courses are an opportunity to explore a special interest area in greater depth. They also offer a recognised pathway to doctoral studies as they provide generic research skills training in addition to specialist knowledge and practice in writing a research thesis. For information on individual courses please see the Taught Course section of the website and our Course Directors will be happy to answer your questions. In some circumstances applications may be considered after the advertised closing date (the responsible Course Director can advise).
Research Degrees (Ph.D. and M.Litt.)
The School offers research supervision across all of its disciplines within the context of its structured Doctoral (Ph.D., 3-4 years) and Research Master's courses (M.Litt., 2 years), including a wide variety of postgraduate training modules, career development options and teaching opportunities for senior postgraduates. Many of our students are successful in securing grants for their studies from College sources or external funders such as the Irish Research Council. Further information on postgraduate research opportunities in the School is available at and from the Director of Teaching and Learning (Postgraduate), Dr Ashley Clements at
More details
Qualification letters
MLitt / PhD
Degree - Masters (Level 9 NFQ),Degree - Doctoral (Level 10 NFQ)
Attendance type
Daytime,Full time,Part time
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