
The Graduate Diploma in History is targeted at students who wish to progress to further study, or who wish to develop key transferable skills vital to many and diverse careers. It is designed for students coming to history from a non-cognate subject, those who did not live up to their potential in their BA, as well as those returning to education after a long period of absence. We value and promote a strong work ethic, intellectual curiosity, and the importance of independent learning. These values are instilled within a robust but supportive environment, with a particular focus on encouraging an awareness of broad historiographical trends and the development of the skills required to assess and analyse different forms of primary evidence. The learning environment stresses the importance of resesarch, critical and analytical thinking, and of making informed challenges to prevailing ideas, interpretations and approaches. Small group seminars are vital to the programme's design; it is here, in a very structured and active learning environment where students hone their ability to present, defend and question historical knowledge. The learning trajectory is supported through the use of weekly research journals, presentations, essays and book reviews. The taught elements of the programme are intended to build and develop the skill set and confidence of learners to equip them to undertake the research project. A feature of the Graduate Diploma Programme is that students who perform strongly in the first semester can apply to be transferred to the MA. The MA is completed within the same academic year.

Full-time Graduate Diploma students will take (1) Renaissance Europe, a module that develops your awareness of historiography and the critical skills needed for graduate-level history (2) a core module from the suite of MA programmes offered in the School of History (3) Project Development, a course designed to devise and make preparations for your final research project (4) A further 10 credit MA option and (5) The Graduate Diploma Project, normally a dissertation of around 8,000 words. Part-time Graduate Diploma students will spread the programme over two years, but will take Renaissance Europe and Project Development in the first semester of their first year.

Subjects taught

Stage 1 - Core

Renaissance EuropeHIS41910

Project DevelopmentHIS42920

Research ProjectHIS42930

Stage 1 - Option

Origins of Modern DiplomacyHIS41780

Approaches to the Middle AgesHIS41840

Approaches to the MiddleAges IIHIS41850

Global RevolutionsHIS42390

Landscape and Environment in Ireland, 1500-1800HIS42490

De Valera's IrelandHIS42590

Historiography and Historical Debate in Twentieth-century IrelandHIS42660

Delving into the ArchivesHIS42690

Entry requirements

The Graduate Diploma programme is aimed primarily at students who have an undergraduate qualification in a non-cognate discipline or students who are returning to education after a long period of absence

An NFQ Level 8 degree is required but applications are assessed on a case by case basis.

Application dates

The following entry routes are available:

Grad Dip History FT (Z160)

Duration 1 Years

Attend Full Time

Deadline Rolling*

Grad Dip History PT (Z161)

Duration 2 Years

Attend Part Time

Deadline Rolling*

* Courses will remain open until such time as all places have been filled, therefore early application is advised




Z160 - Full-Time: 1 Year

Z161 - Part Time: 2 Years

Mode of delivery: Face-to-Face


GradDip History (Z160) Full Time

EU fee per year - € 6105

nonEU fee per year - € 13270

GradDip History (Z161) Part Time

EU fee per year - € 3650

nonEU fee per year - € 6635

***Fees are subject to change

Enrolment dates

Next Intake: 2024/2025 September.

Post Course Info

Careers & Employability

Some graduates of the Graduate Diploma go on to develop their academic careers, applying for places on MA programmes or teacher training programmes. However, many more see the Graduate Diploma as a valuable addition to their undergraduate qualification – a fourth year in which to deepen critical analytical abilities which are valued so highly by employers.

More details
  • Qualification letters


  • Qualifications

    Postgraduate Diploma (Level 9 NFQ)

  • Attendance type

    Full time,Part time,Daytime

  • Apply to

    Course provider