History - Research

Research Degrees

UCD School of History welcomes applications from potential PhD and MLitt students.

A UCD PhD is a structured four year research degree (six years part-time), undertaken within a clearly structured programme including training, taught modules, a Research and Professional Development Plan and opportunities to develop teaching skills. All students are assigned a primary supervisor and a variety of academic supports, including what is called a Doctoral Studies Panel (DSP). The panel draws together expertise from a number of colleagues, and offers excellent support in particular for cross-disciplinary projects. Students are supported in their programme of independent research which will normally culminate in the production of research worthy of peer-reviewed publications. UCD School of History staff are experienced in supervision of PhD students and have wide ranging expertise. Many of our doctoral students have been successful in securing postdoctoral funding and academic posts.

The School also offers an MLitt degree, a two year research degree (four years part-time) which combines some taught skills elements alongside a major research thesis of 40,000-50,000 words including footnotes but excluding bibliography and appendices.

Entry requirements

The School will normally consider applicants with at least a 2:1 in their undergraduate BA and a 2:1 in an appropriate Masters-level programme. Applicants should have a strong sense of the project, and its viability, they wish to pursue and are strongly encouraged to liaise with an appropriate member of the School’s staff in advance of submitting any proposal. A full list of staff and their research interests can be found at http://www.ucd.ie/history/about/staff_contacts_pictures/

Once considered by the School, all applications are forwarded to the College Graduate School Board who alone have the authority to admit research students.

Applicants whose first language is not English must meet UCD's English language requirements.

Application dates

Once you have contacted your supervisor you must include the following in your application:

Two academic references


Personal statement


Example of academic writing


A UCD PhD is a structured four year research degree (six years part-time).

The School also offers an MLitt degree, a two year research degree (four years part-time).

Z111 History Master of Literature FT/PT 02/04

Z125 History Doctor of Philosophy FT/PT 03/06


EU Fees 2018/19

Non EU Fees 2018/19


Current Research Students

•Browne, Shane: Moore's Military: Understanding Maurice Moore and the National Volunteers in Irish History, 1914-1918

•Carmichael, Krystal: Medieval miracle accounts in Britain and Ireland as a source for medical practice

•Casserly, Maeve: Public History and Cultural Heritage

•Centala, Karol: Diplomatic Relations between the Republic of Ireland and Poland, 1945-1990

•Cranny Walsh, Aoife: The role of women in Lebor Gabála Érenn

•Doolan, Denis: The Irish policy of the Conservative Party, 1920-1929

•Evans, Angela: Medieval Manners and Social Etiquette, 1150-1550

•Fallon, Anne: Infant Feeding Practices, Patterns and Beliefs in Ireland, 1845 to 1980

•Fallon, Donal: The politics of republican commemoration in 1930 Dublin

•Grannell, James: 'Strong and manly and healthy': Masculinity and Men's Health in Ireland, 1983-2008

•Grant, Rebecca: Archivists engaging with Research Data

•Heffernan, Conor: Ireland's Physical Culture Movement 1898-1923

•Heney, Michael: Unresolved aspects of the Arms Crisis, 1969-1970

•Houlihan, James: The Law of the Innocents 697 AD: a law for non-combatants-its place in the history of international humanitarian law.

•Kelly, Mary: The Liberal Arts in Medieval Glendalough: manuscripts, impact and legacy

•Oakley Kessler, Trisha: The Connaught Hatters: Jewish refugee businesses established in 1937-1940 in a period of economic nationalism in Ireland

•Kinsella, Sharon: A snapshot in time: The Dublin Congress of the Patrician Year (1961)

•Lynch, Michael: A critical biography of James Green Douglas (1887-1954)

•MacNamara, Ronan: The effects of humanitarian programmes (cash and voucher) on ongoing conflicts

•McCarthy, Patrick: Legislation enacted by the Irish Parliament 1692-1782: The background, implications and benefits of the laws that fashion Ireland with a system that endures to the present day

•Mulcahy, Caren: Meath in the Later Middle Ages (1172- c.1540). Settlement and People

•O'Brien, Matthew: The Black Power Movement and Grassroots Activism in Chicago, 1968-1983

•Prevost-Gregoire, Florence: Family Matters: International Paradigms Between World Wars

•Reid, Peter: The care of children with mental deficiency in Dublin and Galway c.1900 to 1912

•Reilly, Michael: Agricultural Memory and Archives: A Case Study of the Records of Teagasc

•Troile, Daniele: Social, political and military development of the late Communi and early Signorie in central Italy

•Wang, Yuanding: A Comparative Study of the Effects of War Policies in Medieval Societies: The Angevin and Song Empires in the 12th century.

•Xie, Yanli: The Study of British Railway introduction into China: the role of railway technology transfer in the West-East interactions and the Anglo-Chinese relations from 1860s to 1890s

We have a flourishing PhD community within the School of History. If you would like to apply to undertake a PhD with us please visit research degrees section of our website.

More details
  • Qualification letters

    MLitt / PhD

  • Qualifications

    Degree - Masters (Level 9 NFQ),Degree - Doctoral (Level 10 NFQ)

  • Attendance type

    Full time,Part time,Daytime

  • Apply to

    Course provider