Humanistic & Integrative Psychotherapy - Clinical

The Tivoli Institute

Humanistic & Integrative Psychotherapy - Clinical

Masters (MA) in Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy (Clinical)

The aim of the course is to provide a recognised psychotherapy qualification with a strong practical, as well as theoretical basis.

The course is humanistic and integrative in approach, embracing person-centred, gestalt, psychodynamic, and other styles. Particular emphasis is placed on skills and theoretical models concerned with the development of a therapeutic relationship. It is understood that the therapist's personal development and personal awareness are central to the therapeutic enterprise.

Course Recognition

The MA programme is designed to fully meet the criteria and guidelines currently available for professional training in psychotherapy. It is also designed to meet the anticipated requirements under the new statutory registration arrangements which are not yet in place.

The MA programme incorporates the IACP recognised 3 year Professional Diploma in Psychotherapy.

Graduates of the courses have been accepted since 1995 for registration as psychotherapists by the Irish Association for Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy (IAHIP) and the Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (IACP). The courses are also fully recognised by the Irish Association for Psychotherapy in Primary Care (IAPPC).

It is envisaged that most graduates of the course will apply for accreditation with the Irish Association for Psychotherapy in Primary Care (IAPPC) and with the Irish Council for Psychotherapy via the Irish Association for Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy (IAHIP), or the Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (IACP).

Arrangements are in place to assist graduates of the Institute where practicable, to secure the number of post-graduate supervised hours of practice required by the accrediting bodies.


Peer/Practice Group

Students meet bi-monthly (or more frequently if possible) in small groups mainly for skills practice which is monitored by trainers.

Experiential Group Work

Experiential group work affords an opportunity to explore personal and interpersonal issues within a group context.

Personal Therapy

Trainees are expected to have at least 135 hours of weekly personal therapy on an individual basis during the course. (This requirement may change in line with changes in the requirements of the professional accrediting bodies).

Practice with Clients

Students undertake to work with clients in placement situations or otherwise. The student is responsible for the completion of 220 hours of client work. The Institute will assist with the fulfilment of the client practice requirement in a variety of ways including direct provision of client-work, the arrangement of suitable placements etc..


Trainees will be supervised on their client work in two ways. Supervision will take place in small groups as part of the training weekends.

Trainees will also have a fortnightly supervision session on an individual basis with a designated supervisor. Trainees can expect to have approximately 60 such sessions during the course. Payment is made by the student for these sessions over and above the course fee.

Subjects taught

There are six main elements:

• Theory/Skills

• Personal Therapy

• Peer Group

• Practice with clients

• Experiential group work

• Supervision (in relation to client practice).

Entry requirements

The course is suitable for graduates e.g. health professionals, teachers, care workers and others with equivalent graduate-level qualifications or life experience. A lower age limit of 24 years applies.

Candidates are expected to have undertaken at least the Institute's Foundation Course or the equivalent in personal development courses/workshops and be able to show evidence of most or all of the following:

• Experience in personal development or group work

• Self-awareness, maturity and stability

• Ability to make use of and reflect upon life experience

• Capacity to cope with the emotional and intellectual demands of the course

• Potential to form a therapeutic relationship.

Assessment Info

Assessment is continuous. Emphasis is placed on the facilitation of the student's self-assessment. Guidelines and criteria are made available in advance. The Institute reserves all rights in relation to a student's participation on the course. In addition to assessment which relates to the quality of practice, assessment is by portfolio of written work. Quantitative criteria also apply, including hours of practice and case studies.


The course duration is 4 years in accordance with the standards of the European Association for Psychotherapy.

11 weekends October to May (years 1 to 3). Year 4 is a blend of supervision and 4 weekend workshops.

Saturday and Sunday all day


At the Tivoli Institute's Dublin premises 24 Clarinda Park East, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin


€5,854 per annum years 1 to 3. €6250 for year 4. There is no interview fee. A strictly non-refundable deposit of €2000 will be payable only upon acceptance of a place.

Enrolment dates

Commencing October 2024 (Weekend based)

More details
  • Qualification letters


  • Qualifications

    Degree - Masters (Level 9 NFQ)

  • Attendance type

    Daytime,Part time,Weekend

  • Apply to

    Course provider