Interaction Design & User Experience
This Higher Diploma in Science in Interaction Design and User Experience (NFQ Level 8, 60 ECTS) conversion programme enables learners to acquire knowledge and skills in user experience, interactive technologies and interaction design in order to apply these skills in a real-world, professional context. Learners will understand the key concepts and theories underpinning user experience (UX) and user interaction (UI) whilst also developing applied skills and understanding in this field. Learners will be introduced to user-centred approaches in design; explore the life cycle of the user experience and interaction design process, its purpose, research approach, the psychology behind user experience design, how to design for accessibility using universal design principles, as well as user-testing and metrics, design thinking and game design. Through discovering the user experience context and the industry-standard tools, technologies and specific project deliverables, learners will be able to apply their learning in personal and professional contexts.
Topics covered include an introduction to user-centred design, insights into how social, cognitive and behavioural psychology relates to UX design and how reward and motivation are part of game-based learning; a focus on user-research design process; how to design for accessibility using universal design principles; understanding of the technology and different models available in terms of web testing, analytics and metrics; implementation of user experience tools in the analysis and development of software scenarios (UX and UI design); the learner will also develop an immersive (game) narrative for a specified user group to attempt identified tasks. Finally, a capstone module which synthesises learning and where learners can demonstrate their applied skills in a portfolio.
Aims and Objectives
The programme is positioned to develop digitally-focused, technically-able and adaptable graduates, who will flourish in the emerging data-driven, IT-focused user experience and interaction design function.
Programme objectives are:
• Provide an academically rigorous framework through which students can develop an awareness of user-centred design learning in the user experience field.
• Develop a systematic detailed knowledge, experience and understanding of digital content curation for user experience in a modern organisation.
• Demonstrate knowledge of interaction design, technologies and tools.
• Develop learners’ knowledge and ability to apply interaction design and user experience to social, cognitive and behavioural psychology.
• Enable learners to explore universal design principles and design thinking through gamification pedagogy.
• Develop an in-depth appreciation of user testing and analytics and learn how these drive an organisation.
• Apply user-research skills and curation ability to create a portfolio using effective and engaging user experience design.
The learning provided in this programme will support learners who are non-technology graduates to advance their careers by gaining skills and knowledge for a career in user experience and interaction design in order that they can play an active role in the UX/UI, digital marketing, visual communications design function of their organisation. This programme was initially developed with the support of industry partner, the User Experience Design Institute.
The full-time programme will be delivered across two semesters of twelve weeks each across twelve months. In the part-time mode, the schedule consists of three semesters of twelve weeks across eighteen months.
Semester one sets out to introduce the students to the importance of design practice, behavioural theory, design practice and technology know-how that is necessary for a career as interaction designer, user researcher, or head of user experience. It focuses upon the analysis, design, prototyping and evaluation of multimedia, multimodal, and multi-platform user interfaces that are easy to use and support a great user experience.
Semester two, builds upon the foundations of Semester One – with more applied structure to develop the learners’ technical proficiencies and aptitudes towards creating value enhancing design solutions. The modules address a wide range of decision-making applications and factors encompassed within the modern IxD function.
The students will then complete a portfolio providing the learners with an opportunity to apply their skills and knowledge gained, and apply it to a creative problem - industry driven - solving design projects.
Subjects taught
The Higher Diploma in Science in Interaction Design and User Experience has the following content:
• Introduction to User-Centred Design
• Psychology in User Experience Design
• User Research and Design Requirements
• Introduction to Universal Design
• UX and UI Design
• User Testing and Analytics
• Portfolio
Entry requirements
The Higher Diploma in Science in Interaction Design and User Experience (Level 8, 60 ECTS) is aimed a learners with the following entry qualifications:
• A Level 8 honours bachelor's degree in a non-cognate area with a minimum pass classification.
• A Level 7 ordinary bachelor's degree in a cognate area (cognate areas include marketing, technology and related areas).
Applicants who do not have a Level 8 qualification and who have at least 3 years' work experience may also be considered through the College's normal RPL procedures. Relevant professional experience may be taken into account and individuals will be assessed on a case-by-case basis through DBS RPL procedures.
Application dates
We are now accepting applications for programmes taking place in 2025.
Full-time: 1 year
Part-time: 2 years
Enrolment dates
Next intake: September 2025
Post Course Info
Career Opportunities
The rise in employment opportunities in the area of interaction design and user experience is a global trend with increasing number of employment opportunities in sectors that are seeing a big boost in the use of new technologies in the areas of design interaction and user experience and the Internet of Things that are critical in new and emerging sectors of ICT, gaming, mobile communications, media, medical devices, connected health and many more. A number of vacancies in digital, product and strategic design could see a growth by 2025 of between 21,000 and 33,000 - accounting for 2.8% of all jobs in Ireland.
Graduates from Higher Diploma in Science in Interaction Design and User Experience programme have the potential to excel in roles such as:
• Interaction Designer
• User Experience Researcher
• User Experience Designer
• UX Strategist & Interaction Designer
• Visual Interaction Designer etc.
In addition, this programme will prepare graduates for further study in the area of interaction design and user experience.
More details
Qualification letters
Higher Diploma (Level 8 NFQ)
Attendance type
Full time,Part time
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