International History

Trinity College Dublin

International History

Course Overview

The M.Phil. in International History offers students the chance to pursue historical research outside the bounds of the nation state. The programme allows students to immerse themselves in the questions of the past, develop research skills, study foreign languages, and become familiar with scholarship in the fields of transnational, comparative, and global history. Students can choose courses from geographic specialties in modern history, including European, Irish, Chinese, US, and environmental history. Topics of interest could include the movement of culture, people, ideas, or trade across national borders, or issues such as imperialism, globalization, transnational social movements, and the history of war and conflict.

Is This Course For Me?

This course is aimed at students interested in learning about global events, cultures, and relationships between different nations through time. This subject is perfect for those who want to gain a better understanding of the world, its many cultures, and the various political, economic, and social forces that have shaped the modern world. Applicants are encouraged to have a background in history and interest in exploring the field of history from a diversity of national and international perspectives.

Course Structure

Taken as a full-time course, the M.Phil. lasts for 12 months starting in September. Teaching will be spread over two terms, beginning in September and concluding the following April. EU/UK/EEA students can also take the course on a part-time basis over two years.

An M.Phil. degree within the School of Histories and Humanities consists of 90 ECTS.

Subjects taught

The course consists of seven modules.

The first is a mandatory module, International History: Methods and Themes. This is a year-long module that will introduce you to the frameworks and approaches historians have developed to understand international and transnational history. The second mandatory module is the International History Research Seminar, a year-long module in which students participate in bi-weekly lectures by guest speakers who are leaders in their field.

Students can then select three elective modules which, depending on the availability of staff, are offered in a range of specialties (continental European, Irish, Chinese, US, and environmental history) and study a foreign language or complete an additional seminar on international history methods.

The final requirement is the dissertation, a research project students will develop on a topic in international history that will be supervised by a member of staff.

Entry requirements

Preferred applicants will have an undergraduate study background in history and interest in exploring the field of history from a diversity of national and international perspectives.

All applicants to Trinity are required to provide official evidence of proficiency in the English language. Applicants to this course are required to meet Band B (Standard Entry) English language requirements.

Application dates

Closing Date: 30th June 2025


1 year full-time (EU and non-EU students)

2 years part-time (EU/UK/EEA students only)

Enrolment dates

Next Intake: September 2025

Post Course Info

Career Opportunities

The M.Phil.helps prepare graduates for a wide variety of careers including in the museum and heritage sectors, politics, libraries and archives, public policy and administration, teaching, and the media. It also provides invaluable training in research for those planning to pursue a doctorate and / or career in research.

More details
  • Qualification letters

    M.Phil. / P.Grad.Dip.

  • Qualifications

    Postgraduate Diploma (Level 9 NFQ),Degree - Masters (Level 9 NFQ)

  • Attendance type

    Full time,Part time,Daytime

  • Apply to

    Course provider