Investment Fund Services Management

Institute of Banking

Investment Fund Services Management

The programme is designed for practitioners in the International Investment Funds Management industry (involved in the design, management, coordination and integration of services as funds administration, depositary, legal services and tax).

Who is the programme for

The Graduate Diploma in Investment Fund Services Management is at Level 9 on the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ). It consists of 6 modules worth 10 ECTS each. The programme is designed to deepen your knowledge of the theory and practice underpinning Investment Fund Services and Investment Fund Services Management design, delivery and operations.

The programme is designed for practitioners in the International Investment funds management industry (involved in the design, management, coordination and integration of services as funds administration, depositary, legal services, tax) drawing on and integrating key areas of essential knowledge, theory and practice required by individuals associated with strategy implementation, decision making and risk management strategies and procedures.


When you successfully complete this programme you will be awarded a Graduate Diploma in Investment Fund Services Management from UCD.

This is a level 9 qualification on the National Framework of Qualifications.

Subjects taught

Strategy and Innovation in Financial Services (NFQ Level 9, 10 ECTS)

This module considers the strategic choices available to management and investigates the new and emerging business models. Understanding the impact of innovation is a critical factor in creating a strategic framework for new solutions and opportunities to support competitive advantage.

Strategic Decision Making (NFQ Level 9, 10 ECTS)

This module will explore the nature of the strategic decision-making process and will consider the influence of organisation context on the effectiveness of strategic decision-making.

Capital Markets (NFQ Level 9, 10 ECTS)

Designed to deepen your knowledge of the drivers of performance of capital markets and of capital market products, the settlement and trade life cycles, regulations, and the importance of risk management and operational robustness in the fund management sector.

The module will bring together all the major areas of requisite knowledge required for portfolio and risk management processes within the funds and investment environment.

Financial Crime Prevention (NFQ Level 9, 10 ECTS)

This module considers the offense of financial/white collar crime which is committed by or against an individual or corporation and results in a financial loss. The various forms this type of crime can take are examined and best practice techniques to manage and control the risks are discussed. The module will introduce you to a number of topics and suggested methodologies, but also requires input from your professional experience to develop a best-practice approach in order to counteract, hinder and ultimately safeguard individuals and corporations from crime in the financial system.

Strategic Operational Risk, Conduct and Reputational Risk Management (NFQ Level 9, 10 ECTS)

At the end of this module, you will be able to:

Explain the best practice principles of non-financial risk management, covering Operational, Strategic, Reputational and Conduct Risks

Outline to senior management and staff colleagues the bespoke frameworks for the management of key risks within the operational risk family, (to include Business Continuity, IT and Cyber Risk, Fraud, Data Aggregation, Outsourcing, AML) advising them of the rationale for the key differences between each risk framework

Adapt the principles from current best practice in non-financial risk management and develop appropriate strategies for the management of emerging risks (such as those arising from Climate and Fintech)

Apply an operational risk methodology to identify, appraise, and mitigate operational risks in a financial services provider’s business model

Advise senior management on the relationship between operational risks, regulatory capital and risk-based pricing in banking and the wider financial services sector and the rational for, and application of, operational risk capital calculation methodologies

Demonstrate the learning skills to support continuous self-directed personal and professional development.

Strategic Implementation and Change Management (NFQ Level 9, 10 ECTS)

This module is designed to provide you with the theoretical and practical underpinnings of execution within organisations. It will build upon the fields of strategy and organisational change management to provide participants with skills to enable the translation of plans into concrete actions within organisational settings.

Entry requirements

Individuals seeking admission to the Graduate Diploma in Investment Fund Services Management:

Will normally possess an Hons. Degree (Second class Hons. Grade 2 award or higher)


Admission may also be considered for experienced professionals who do not meet the admission requirements as set out above, where they can demonstrate knowledge through their work i.e. they have more than 5 years’ experience in a management role (to be considered on a case by case basis).


3 trimesters.

Delivery online.

Enrolment dates

Contact Provider for next start date.

More details
  • Qualifications

    Postgraduate Diploma (Level 9 NFQ)

  • Attendance type

    Part time

  • Apply to

    Course provider