Irish Studies - Research

It is a requirement of all MLitt candidates at the Centre for Irish Studies that they adopt an interdisciplinary approach to their research.

Entry requirements

Admission to a research degree is at the discretion of the potential supervisor and the head of discipline, and is based on a proposal from the applicant following discussion with the member of staff whose academic area of interest is most appropriate. Candidates should have obtained an honours degree (Second Class Honours, Grade 1 [or equivalent international qualification] minimum).

Application dates

Course Code: MLITT-IRST

Applications are made online via the NUI Galway Postgraduate Applications System


Course Code: MLITT-IRST

MLitt (Irish Studies), full-time

MLitt (Irish Studies), part-time


Research Areas

Dr. Louis De Paor—Twentieth-century writing in Irish; translation; Máirtín Ó Cadhain; Flann O'Brien; Irish bardic poetry.

Dr. Nessa Cronin—Irish and European historical cartography; cultural geography; philosophies of space and place; twentiethcentury and contemporary Irish writing.

Dr. Michelle Comber—Archaeology of Irelands early historic period (approx. 5th to 12th century A.D.), especially its fine metalwork, economy, and settlement; ringforts and settlement


More details
  • Qualification letters


  • Qualifications

    Degree - Masters (Level 9 NFQ)

  • Attendance type

    Full time,Part time,Daytime

  • Apply to

    Course provider