Law - Pension Law & Applied Trusteeship

Law Society of Ireland

Law - Pension Law & Applied Trusteeship

Programme objectives

On completion of this training programme, participants will have:

An excellent understanding of the key legal issues pertaining to current pensions law and practice and trusteeship in Ireland.

A comprehensive understanding of pensions legislation and all relevant pensions regulatory bodies.

A detailed knowledge and understanding of the obligations and duties of trustees under the Pensions Act 1990 as amended , regulations and trust law principles.

A thorough knowledge of the main pension scheme structures and what changes are expected to the pensions landscape in Ireland;

Up to date information on the latest pensions developments in Ireland such as the IORP II Directive, Master Trusts, pension scheme consolidation and auto enrolment.

Confidence in dealing with challenging issues such as pensions adjustment orders, taxation, mergers and acquisitions;

A familiarity with recent case law and legislation which all have wide-ranging implications for trustees.

Programme structure and approach to learning

This course is designed to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the most up to date position on pensions law and trusteeship in Ireland. Delivered by experienced professionals, the course begins with an examination of the legislative and regulatory framework applicable to pensions in Ireland. The functions and powers of the Pensions Authority, the Revenue Commissioners, and the Pensions Ombudsman are reviewed, as are the respective duties and obligations of both the employer and the trustees of a pension scheme.

The certificate will analyse the main pension scheme structures, such as defined contribution, defined benefit, personal pension plans and recent developments in the area including implementation of IORPs ll , Master Trusts and auto enrolment. The course will focus on the obligations of trustees, enabling them to fulfil their duties and will give insight into handling of challenging issues such as underfunding, scheme wind-ups, pensions adjustment orders, taxation, mergers and acquisitions, and scheme restructuring.


We have designed our courses to enable you to satisfy as much of your CPD requirement as possible. Time spent attending lectures and workshops in person or completing these via e-learning as part of your course can be claimed towards your annual CPD requirement. The number of hours of CPD that you may claim in relation to your diploma/certificate course will depend on the way in which you access each of the individual sessions. For further information, visit the CPD scheme and download the CPD booklet.

The Diploma Centre team will host our annual CPD conference in November 2023. This complimentary event is a dedicated management and professional development skills and regulatory matters session. We will post an invitation on your Diploma Hub page later in the year.

Subjects taught

The programme is based on the following module scheme:

The programme is based on the following module scheme:

Module 1: Legislation and Regulatory Framework

Course introduction,

Legislative and regulatory framework,

The Pensions Ombudsman,

The Pensions Authority.

Other relevant regulatory authorities.

Module 2: The Future of Pensions in Ireland

The future of pensions in Ireland,

Master Trusts, pension scheme consolidation,

Auto enrolment, the future of defined benefit schemes.

Module 3: Pension Scheme Structures; Pension Adjustment Orders; Pensions in Commercial Transactions

The main types of pension schemes,

Public sector pensions,

Pension adjustment orders,

Pensions in a commercial transaction.

Module 4: The Role of Trustees; Employer Obligations

The role of pension scheme trustees,

Trustees obligations under the Pensions Act as amended and regulations.

Pension investment issues,

Employer obligations.

Module 5: Taxation Issues ; Winding Up & Restructuring of Schemes; Post-Retirement Issues; Scheme Governance

Taxation issues,

Winding-up and restructuring of pension schemes,

Pension scheme governance, management and oversight.


Workshops are interactive sessions that focus on group problem-solving and are designed to revise all modules covered to date and to consolidate the participant’s knowledge.

Workshop 1: 22 November 2023, 6 - 8.30pm

Workshop 2: 6 December 2023

Workshop 3: 31 January 2024

Entry requirements

This course is suitable for the following:

Trustees, corporate pensions advisors, registered administrators, pension scheme custodians,

Solicitors, barristers, legal executives and trainees,

Those in pension and legal departments of insurance companies, banks and building societies,

Actuaries, tax advisors, investment managers and pension consultants,

Public service pensions professionals,

Those working in representative bodies related to pensions and trusts; and

Professionals seeking to work in the pensions industry and the financial services industry.

We welcome applications for this course from suitably qualified non-members. Please explain your interest and set out any relevant experience in a cover letter and a brief CV. Such applications are subject to a supplemental fee of €100.

Application dates

The closing date for applications for this course is 11 October 2023.

To apply for this course please follow the instructions on the course webpage - link below.


Lectures Tuesdays 6pm to 9pm, with occasional Saturday workshops. Also available to view on-demand.

Enrolment dates

Start Date

Wednesday 25 October 2023 at 6:15 PM

More details
  • Qualifications


  • Attendance type

    Daytime,Evening,Part time,Weekend

  • Apply to

    Course provider