Lean Sigma Master Black Belt for Service & Operational Productivity Improvement - Cork

A certified Lean Sigma Master Black Belt is the go to person for deployment of Lean Sigma systems in the organisation. They hold a key role within or in support of the management team for business achievement of goals utilising improvement and problem-solving techniques. They may mentor and educate others in the organisation and determine best practice adaptation within the organisation for Operational and Design success. MBBs provide everyday leadership to the Lean Sigma effort. MBB’s establishing and maintaining the long term Lean Sigma Environment.

Course Delivery

12 days over 12 months

Full Day Classes Delivered Live Online from 9am to 4.30pm

Project mentoring and support:

A work-based project and a research project are undertaken as part of the course. Students will receive project support and mentoring from their tutors.

Online support:

Online resources are provided for students to support classroom learning.


Special Purpose Award – 30 ECTS Credits at Level 9 on the National Framework of Qualifications, awarded by Munster Technological University.

Subjects taught

What will I study?

Creating and Measuring the Lean Sigma Environment (Site visit)

Lean Sigma MBB Deployment Research Project

Lean Sigma Analytics (Site visit)

Lean Sigma MBB Deployment Application Project

Entry requirements

Black Belt or equivalent required. Corporate discounts are available. You may be eligible for funding through EI, IDA, Skillnet or Springboard.

Note: Places are limited for this course. Eligible candidates will be considered on a first come first served basis.


1 year part-time.

More details
  • Qualifications

    Special Purpose Certificate (Level 9 NFQ)

  • Attendance type

    Part time

  • Apply to

    Course provider