Linguistics - Research
The study of language is fundamental to the research environment across the School of Arts, English and Languages, where various linguistic approaches are taken to varieties of English, French, Irish, and more.
You’ll be part of a dynamic doctoral research environment and will study alongside students from diverse backgrounds. We supervise students undertaking research in key sub-disciplines of linguistics, including: sociolinguistics; language variation and change; language policy (education, community languages, minoritized languages); place-names; language used in new media, narrative, literature, rhetoric, discourse analysis and translation; and advancing knowledge of languages across the levels of phonetics and phonology, lexicology, morphology-syntax and pragmatics.
As part of a lively community of over 200 full-time and part-time research students you’ll have the opportunity to develop your research potential in a vibrant research community that prioritises the cross-fertilisation of ideas and innovation in the advancement of knowledge.
Course structure
There is no specific course content. You are expected to carry out your research under the guidance of your supervisor. Over the course of study you can attend postgraduate skills training organised by the Graduate School, and you will undertake further training and development opportunities as deemed appropriate by your supervisory team.
You will normally register, in the first instance, as an ‘undifferentiated PhD student’ which means that you have satisfied staff that you are capable of undertaking a research degree. The decision as to whether you should undertake an MPhil or a PhD is delayed until you have completed ‘differentiation’.
Differentiation takes place about 9-12 months after registration for full time students and about 18-30 months for part time students: you are normally asked to submit work to a panel of up two academics and this is followed up with a formal meeting with the ‘Differentiation Panel’. The Panel then make a judgement about your capacity to continue with your study. Sometimes students are advised to revise their research objectives or to consider submitting their work for an MPhil qualification rather than a Doctoral qualification.
To complete with a doctoral qualification you will be required to submit a thesis of approx. 80,000 words and you will be required to attend a viva voce [oral examination] with an external and internal examiner to defend your thesis.
The PhD programme normally runs for three to four years full-time, and part-time students may complete within a normal period of up to eight years. Students can apply for a writing up year should it be required. The PhD is open to both full and part-time candidates and is often a useful preparation for a career within academia. Full-time students are often attracted to research degree programmes because they offer an opportunity to pursue in some depth an area of academic interest. The part time research degree is an exciting option for those who are seeking to extend their knowledge on an issue of professional interest. Often, part-time candidates choose to research an area that is related to their professional responsibilities.
If you meet the Entry Requirements, the next step is to check whether we can supervise research in your chosen area. We only take students to whom we can offer expert research supervision from amongst our academic staff. Therefore, your core research question needs to engage with the research interests of one of our staff. (Note that students who see themselves as primarily based in the disciplinary field of a particular Language (e.g. French, Irish) can alternatively apply for a PhD in the language area and opt to specialise in Linguistics).
Entry requirements
A 2.1 Honours degree or equivalent qualification acceptable to the University. While a Master's degree (or equivalent qualification acceptable to the University) is not essential, it is desirable and applicants without this qualification will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
International Students
Please see International Student's link below.
Application dates
How to Apply
Apply using our online Postgraduate Applications Portal and follow the step-by-step instructions on how to apply.
Assessment Info
Assessment processes for the Research Degree differ from taught degrees. Students will be expected to present drafts of their work at regular intervals to their supervisor who will provide written and oral feedback; a formal assessment process takes place annually.
This Annual Progress Review requires students to present their work in writing and orally to a panel of academics from within the School. Successful completion of this process will allow students to register for the next academic year.
The final assessment of the doctoral degree is both oral and written. Students will submit their thesis to an internal and external examining team who will review the written thesis before inviting the student to orally defend their work at a Viva Voce.
Supervisors will offer feedback on draft work at regular intervals throughout the period of registration on the degree.
The PhD programme normally runs for three to four years full-time, and part-time students may complete within a normal period of up to eight years.
Enrolment dates
Entry Year: Academic Year 2025/26
Post Course Info
Career Prospects
Employment after the Course
For further information on career development opportunities at PhD level please contact the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Career Development Team on / +44 28 90975175. Development Officers Cathy Wilson and Aileen Carson will be happy to provide further information on your research area career prospects.
Professional Opportunities
Many of our PhD graduates have moved into academic and research roles in Higher Education while others go on to work as professional linguists or to play leading roles in educational practice, the public sector or within NGOs. Queen's postgraduates reap exceptional benefits. Unique initiatives such as Researcher Plus and the opportunity to certify in Project Management bolster our commitment to employability.
Research information
Research Impact
The last UK Research Excellence Framework (REF2014) graded over 80% of our research activity as
'world-leading' or 'internationally excellent'. While our Modern Languages department is 3rd in the UK
for its research intensity, our English department is rated by QS as being in the world's top-100.
More details
Qualification letters
Degree - Doctoral at UK Level 8
Attendance type
Full time,Daytime,Part time
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