Mathematics - Research

Course Overview

The Research activity in Mathematics at NUI Galway covers a broad range of topics spanning Algebra, Analysis, Geometry and Topology. There is a particular strength in Computational Algebra, which has led to the establishment of de Brún Centre, with a mission is to support research in broad areas of algebra and its applications.

The various research groups within the discipline of Mathematics host a wide range of workshops, seminars and graduate courses, resulting in a unique and thriving graduate research programme.

Recent graduates are now working as lecturers and postdoctoral researcher at third-level institutes. Others are working in industry, including banking and finance, and in the Meteorological Service.

Entry requirements

Candidates for the degree of MSc by research must have reached a high honours standard (minimum H2.2 [or equivalent international qualification] for an MSc) at the examination for the primary degree or presented such other evidence as will satisfy the Head of School and the College of his/her fitness.

Application dates

Applications to most postgraduate programmes at University of Galway are made online via (see "Application Weblink").


MSc (Mathematics), full-time

MSc (Mathematics), part-time



Group theory including group varieties, representation theory of finite groups, associative and non-associative rings, and group rings, coding theory and cryptography.

Computational algebra including computational homological algebra, computational group theory, computational representation theory.

Linear and Multilinear Algebra.

Analysis and Numerical Analysis

Functional analysis, in particular tensor products, multilinear forms, polynomials and holomorphic functions on Banach spaces.

Non-linear analysis, including differential and integral equations, and fixed point theory.

Numerical analysis and computational differential equations.

Geometry and Topology

Differential geometry and the geometry and topology of Lie groups and homogeneous spaces.

Analytic topology and order.

More details
  • Qualification letters


  • Qualifications

    Degree - Masters (Level 9 NFQ)

  • Attendance type

    Full time,Part time,Daytime

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