Medicine - Research


The School of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences trains ~350 postgraduate research students undertaking PhD, MD and MPhil degrees in Cancer Research and Cell Biology, Experimental Medicine, Public Health, Medical Education and Dentistry each year. Its diverse postgraduate student population comprises both basic and clinical scientists from across the globe engaged in wide-ranging research projects spanning the breadth of the School’s research portfolio from traditional population-based epidemiology to 'big data' science and bioinformatics, through molecular and cell biology to clinical trials. Reflecting our commitment to gender equality, we hold prestigious School and Institutional Athena Swan Gold Awards.

Subject Summary

As a postgraduate student in the School of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences you will join a vibrant research community addressing key global healthcare challenges. You will work closely with academic and postdoctoral staff as a central and highly-valued component of the School’s research programme, thereby contributing to key discoveries in disease mechanisms which are translated towards innovative prevention and therapeutic strategies which will ultimately improve quality of life and survival of patients. Direct translation of research findings from bench to bedside is facilitated by close collaborative interaction between clinical and basic research scientists as a hallmark of our research programme, allowing the direct translation of excellent science to clinical benefit.

Course structure

1. The School of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences is dedicated to providing its postgraduate research students with a supportive environment to effectively promote their education, training and professional development. First year students enrol on a tailored training programme comprising a series of lectures, workshops and practical sessions focused on key research skills, including bioimaging, informatics, genomics, public health, animal models and clinical trials. In addition, all students receive wide-ranging and ongoing training in generic and transferable skills, such as scientific writing, data analysis, presentation and critical appraisal, through dedicated communication courses and seminars, with one-to-one support also available. They also benefit from presentation of their research findings at major national and international conferences, which is an expectation of all postgraduate research students, and through regular interaction with the QUB Graduate School, whose specific function is to support postgraduate training, development and careers.

Students undertake their specific research project under the close guidance of an experienced principal supervisor with support from 1 or 2 co-supervisors as appropriate. Each student is required to complete a literature review, give an oral presentation of their research within their Centre, and provide evidence of appropriate training and completion of their Postgraduate Development Plan. They are then interviewed by an Annual Progress Review panel, comprising of 2 or 3 academic staff, who assess the students understanding of their project and progress, based on both their submitted paperwork and response to questions, in each year of their research degree. The duration of a full-time MPhil programme is normally 2-3 years. For completion of their masters qualification students are required to submit a thesis of their research of appropriate length and content (as advised by their supervisors) which will be assessed by oral examination conducted by an external and internal examiner.

Funded postgraduate research studentships are advertised on the School of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences website: We will also consider applications from externally or self-funded students who should identify potential academic supervisors aligned with their research interests: Please note that we can only support projects which fit within the overall research strategy of the School and individual research focus of our academic staff.

Students who meet the eligibility criteria for postgraduate research should select UP TO THREE potential supervisors from our list of academic staff,, and send an email to their preferred supervisor(s) and copied to the School Postgraduate Office,, containing:

(1) a brief CV (1-2 pages maximum),

(2) a concise statement of motivation including research interests,

(3) source of funding, and

(4) intended start date.

For students applying for a funded or competitively funded PhD, please provide a concise statement of motivation, including research interests and research experience as relevant to the studentship for which you are applying.

Our academic staff welcome approaches from prospective students and are happy to develop research proposals of mutual interest. Often this process will involve an informal face-to-face meeting (in person or via Microsoft Teams) prior to an invitation to submit a formal application. If you have difficulty identifying or contacting an appropriate supervisor, please contact Professor AJ McKnight, Director of Postgraduate Research,, or the School Postgraduate Office,, who will be happy to help.

There are also opportunities for a small number of clinical trainees on the General Practice. GPARTS Funding is competitive and available via the HSC R&D Office -

Entry requirements


The minimum academic requirement for admission to a research degree programme is normally an Upper Second Class Honours degree from a UK or ROI HE provider, or an equivalent qualification acceptable to the University. Further information can be obtained by contacting the School.

International Students

Please see International Student's link below.

Application dates

How to Apply

Apply using our online Postgraduate Applications Portal and follow the step-by-step instructions on how to apply.

Assessment Info

Postgraduate students in the School of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences will receive ongoing training in scientific writing, presentation and critical analysis as the basis for a research career. The School supports and challenges its postgraduate research students through robust annual progress review, requiring satisfactory assessment of written work, symposia presentations, supervisor reports and panel interview, the success of which is evidenced by its excellent completion rates. At the end of their postgraduate research training period, students are required to submit a thesis of their research of appropriate length and content which is assessed by oral examination conducted by an external and internal examiner.


Postgraduate research students in the School of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences receive feedback on their written and oral work throughout the period of registration for their degree. This may be both formal and informal and is provided regularly by their supervisors, peers, academic/postdoctoral colleagues, and annual progress review panel.


2 academic years full-time, 4 academic years part-time.

Enrolment dates

Entry Year: Academic Year 2025/26

Post Course Info

Career Prospects


The majority of postgraduate research students within the School of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences continue to successfully secure appropriate employment upon completion of their studies. Chosen careers are generally relevant to their qualification within industry, academia and the National Health Service and have included postdoctoral research across the world, clinical/non-clinical academia, return to full-time clinical work, medical writing, industry research, management/financial consultancy, and R&D software development. The School runs a dedicated careers session at its annual Postgraduate Research Forum and careers-focussed peer mentoring from postdoctoral researchers whilst students are expected to discuss potential careers with their supervisors as part of their individual Postgraduate Development Programme.

Employment after the Course

All postgraduate research students can avail of careers advice from the Graduate School whilst postdoctoral employment opportunities are highlighted at the annual School Postgraduate Research Forum within a dedicated session. Students should also discuss potential careers with their supervisors as a central focus of their individual Postgraduate Development Programme.


Research information

Associated Research

The School currently has current collaborative partnerships with the NIH National Cancer Institute (Washington) and the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre (Toronto), together with developing relationships with international institutions in the Middle East, such as Hashemite University (Zarqa, Jordan). In addition, some of our current students conduct the majority of their research abroad (currently US and China) with supervisors from both QUB and the external institution. The School also supports short-term research training opportunities for its postgraduate students in the groups of international collaborators; these enriching experiences not only benefit the project but provide valuable insight into research in a global context.

Research Themes

Cancer Research and Cell Biology

The global burden of cancer is increasing and incidence is expected to be 15 million new diagnoses each year by 2020. The Centre for Cancer Research and Cell Biology (CCRCB) is attuned to this global health issue and specialises in integrating academic discovery, industrial/commercial enterprise and innovative health care practice to promote effective delivery of precision cancer medicine, to improve patient health and outcomes, generate wealth and alleviate suffering. CCRCB has established successful multi-disciplinary teams focusing on cancers of Gastrointestinal, Prostate, Breast and Ovarian origin. Each team incorporates disease-specialist clinicians, accredited molecular pathology expertise bringing affiliated biobank tissue repositories, and academics skilled in the art of (i) biomarker discovery and bioinformatics, (ii) biological investigation and therapeutic development, and (iii) the prosecution of early-phase translation-driven clinical trials. Our significant success has resulted from a strong team-based approach.

Experimental Medicine

The Centre for Experimental Medicine (CEM) is committed to research excellence by making scientific breakthroughs in the mechanisms of disease, which we translate to innovative therapeutics to improve patient outcomes. We are an international hub of excellence on eye disease, infectious diseases and respiratory disease with a core emphasis on immunology, molecular cell biology and patient-based investigations. CEM comprises three main research themes focussed on Immunology and Microbes, Respiratory Medicine, and Vision and Vascular Medicine. Our Immunobiology and Microbes research group focusses on understanding the immune system which is an essential for defence the human body, not only in preventing a wide variety of diseases but also aiding recovery from them. Our Respiratory Medicine research group focusses on understanding the processes that lead to common lung illnesses such as asthma, cystic fibrosis, and acute respiratory distress syndrome. Our Vision and Vascular Medicine research group particularly focusses on inflammation within the cardiovascular system as a frequent cause of cardiac and other vascular diseases which represent a significant health burden on society. Our work makes an important impact in the fight against conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and eye disease.

Medical Education

Research in The Centre for Medical Education (CME) is focussed on developing and progressing clinical education in the following key areas: Assessment, Medical Humanities, Qualitative and Quantitative Methodologies, Simulation-Based Learning, Technology-Enhanced Learning, Diversity and Equality, Early Intervention, Patient Safety and Safe Care, Prescribing, and Pedagogy in Medical Education.

Public Health

The overall mission of the Centre for Public Health (CPH) is to improve health and reduce inequalities, prevent and manage chronic disease and disability more effectively, and to improve the delivery of health and social care. CPH comprises four main research themes focussed on Epidemiology and Public Health, Cancer Epidemiology, Nutrition and Public Health, and Health Services and Global Health. Our Epidemiology and Public Health research group harnesses Big Data in discovery science and its application to clinical and public health practice, to help to understand how both genes and environments (including social norms and networks) shape risk in individuals and populations. Our Cancer Epidemiology research group includes programmes focussed on pre-malignancy molecular epidemiology, gastrointestinal cancer progression and precision medicine, and pharmaco-epidemiology exploring the potential for drug re-purposing. Our Nutrition and Public Health research group works across the life-course to understand the determinants of a healthy diet in individuals, at risk groups (e.g. schoolchildren, pregnant women, older people) and whole populations, and on identifying ways to improve it. Our Health Services and Global Health research group focusses on health care for people with chronic conditions and poor mental health, quality improvement and implementation science, oral health and related cancers, trials methodology, health economics, and global eye health.

Research Impact

The School of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences drives research excellence and impact, delivering innovative solutions to the specific challenges we have identified in healthcare. The School has three central aims:

(1) To address key global challenges in health care by making scientific breakthroughs in mechanisms of disease, translating these to innovative therapeutics and preventive interventions to improve patient outcomes.

(2) To establish lasting relationships with major funders for programmatic research and capacity building. This includes doctoral training, clinical academic programmes and postdoctoral fellowships.

(3) To leverage scientific strengths with small and medium size enterprises and large pharmaceutical companies to develop externally funded competitive, collaborative programmes for discovery and translation.

Research Projects

See below examples of current postgraduate research projects and potential opportunities.

Research Success

In the last Research Excellence Framework exercise, over 75% of research activity in the School of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences was judged to be internationally-excellent or world-leading, whilst Queen's University Belfast was ranked 8th in the UK for research intensity.

Current PGR Student Profiles

See below examples of current postgraduate research projects and potential opportunities.

More details
  • Qualification letters


  • Qualifications

    Degree - Masters at UK Level 7

  • Attendance type

    Full time,Part time,Daytime

  • Apply to

    Course provider