Microbiology - Structured
Course Overview
All PhD students in the College of Science will enrol in a Structured PhD: www.nuigalway.ie/science/rgroups.html
Subjects taught
Major research themes/clusters
Research activity in Microbiology is carried out in three broad topics:
Energy and environment
Microbes are being exploited for sustainable energy generation from renewable biomass and waste, e.g., biofuel cells, anaerobic digestion.
Marine microbiology underpins the study of climate change, marine productivity and diversity. University of Galway researchers are studying the microbes that drive geochemical nutrient cycles.
Infectious diseases
All infectious diseases are caused by microorganisms. Research foci are; infection mechanisms, food borne illnesses, antibiotic resistance and diagnostics.
Entry requirements
To be eligible to enter on a programme of study and research for the degree of PhD you must have reached a high honours standard at the examination for the primary degree or presented such evidence as will satisfy the Head of School and the College of your fitness.
Application dates
Applications to most postgraduate programmes at University of Galway are made online via www.universityofgalway.ie/apply (see "Application Weblink").
Structured PhD, 4 years, full-time.
Research Areas
Molecular diagnostics
Host-pathogen studies
Microbial glycobiology
Microbial diversity in aquatic environment
Recombinant protein production
Deep ocean microbiology
Stress responses in food borne pathogens
Food borne pathogen epidemiology
Antibiotic and disinfectant resistance
Applied ecology and habitat management
More details
Qualification letters
Degree - Doctoral (Level 10 NFQ)
Attendance type
Full time,Daytime
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