Music - Liturgical Music

St Patricks Pontifical University Maynooth

Music - Liturgical Music

This joint academic and practice-based programme qualifies holders to undertake posts as organists, cantors, or directors of music at parish or diocesan level. The liturgical music academic component is balanced by an intensive course of supervised practical training in a number of core liturgical music disciplines.

Course Aims:

To provide an academic framework appropriate to the study of Theology at Masters level.

To provide students with an in-depth theological and theoretical formation in the Church's liturgy.

To form students in the historical, textual, doctrinal and technical aspects of liturgical music.

To enhance students' critical awareness of music composed for and performed in the liturgy.

To significantly enhance participants' competency and confidence in selected practical disciplines.

Subjects taught

Year 1

Core Academic Modules

PG 484 Liturgy: Ritual, Theological and Historical Approaches

PG 487 Sacramental Theology: Liturgical and Systematic Aspects

LI 151 Introduction to Liturgy and the Sacraments of Christian Initiation

LI 203 The Celebration of the Eucharist

LM 101 Music in Christian Worship

LM 403: Aspects of Liturgical Music

Recognition of Prior Learning may be considered for certain candidates in respect of the following modules:

LI151: Introduction to Liturgy

LI203: the Eucharist / Liturgical Time

In the following Practical Modules, students take LM404: Liturgical Composition and choose between LM402: Organ Skills and LM405: Cantor Skills

Practical Modules

LM 404: Liturgical Composition

LM 402: Organ Skills I

LM 405: Cantor Skills I

Year 2

Practical Modules

Methodology in Research

Guided Thesis Research

Major Practicum in a Musical Discipline

Entry requirements

The course is especially suited to applicants who have studied Theology and Music to degree level. Candidates should normally have obtained at least a Second Class Honours, Grade I overall. The Faculty of Theology may also accept candidates whom it deems to have an equivalent standard. As the programme contains a significant practical component, prospective candidates will need, on application, to furnish evidence of proficiency in at least one of the following three areas: (a) Cantor, (b) Organ, (c) Liturgical Composition.

An interview will be part of the selection process.

Students whose first language is not English will be required to satisfy the English language requirements.

Application dates

Application Deadline: 02nd August 2024

For EU & those living on the island of Ireland (Late applications may be considered).

31st May 2024 For non EU


2 years full-time.

Enrolment dates

Course Start Date: September 2024

Post Course Info

The programme qualifies holders to undertake the post of Organist, Cantor, or Director of Liturgical Music at parish, diocesan or national level.

More details
  • Qualification letters


  • Attendance type

    Full time,Daytime

  • Apply to
