Pastoral Liturgy

St Patricks Pontifical University Maynooth

Pastoral Liturgy

The Higher Diploma in Pastoral Liturgy attests to the completion of a substantial and coherent programme of learning, allowing students to finish an accredited introductory programme in pastoral liturgy and to obtain a credential for it. This one-year, evening/weekend, Level 8, 60 ECTS credits programme gives a foundation in Pastoral Liturgy to students who hold a primary degree in another discipline. Other students may use the programme as a gateway to applying to a Master’s programme in Liturgical Theology or Pastoral Ministry either here in Maynooth or elsewhere (students interested in entering a Master’s programme are advised to speak with the Admissions Office prior to starting the HDip for further details). Others may be interested in the programme simply as a way to better understand the liturgical life of the Church, which is the highest expression of theology in the Catholic tradition. Additionally, the Higher Diploma equips graduates to take a more active role in their local church community.

Who is this programme for?

Those interested in:

• An accredited foundation programme in Pastoral Liturgy

• Training to be involved with Liturgy at a diocesan and parish level

• Better understanding the liturgical life of the Church, which is the highest expression of Theology in the Catholic tradition

Subjects taught

St Patrick's Pontifical University, Maynooth is proud to have the largest faculty of Catholic theology in Great Britain and Ireland. The HDip is taught in conjunction with the National Centre for Liturgy (NCL). Since 1974 the NCL has been providing a service to the Church in Ireland, including giving a one-year course in liturgy for almost 50 years. Among the aspects of the Church’s liturgical life that will be covered in this programme are:

A fostering of an active participation in the liturgy which “is the primary and indispensable source from which the faithful are to derive the true Christian spirit.” (Sacrosanctum Concilium 14).

A general introduction to the Church’s liturgy with an introductory course in liturgical vocabulary.

Reflection on Sacred Scripture and the Bible which reaches its apex in its proclamation in the liturgical assembly where the Word is heard and the listener is empowered to live what they have heard.

The Seven Sacraments of the Church are covered, along with best practice for fostering their fruitful celebration.

Liturgical music including its history and contemporary expression. The tradition of Sacred Music is particularly strong in the Maynooth College experience.

Liturgical times and seasons and their celebration in a meaningful and intelligent way that meets the pastoral needs of today’s Church.

An introduction to the Church’s official liturgy as found in the official liturgical books and the different roles in the liturgical assembly.

An introduction to technology and practical issues in parish ministry in the third millennium, including the use of technology in the celebration, the streaming of liturgies and the integration of liturgy with parish and diocesan websites.

Entry requirements

A primary degree or its equivalent is required for the HDip. For admission to the Diploma programme a pass grade is required in five subjects of the Leaving Certificate or its equivalent: three of these must be academic subjects in the Maynooth University matriculation syllabus. Consideration will be given to all applications. Applicants with experience in ministry at the parish or diocesan level will be given particular consideration;

• University issued or certified copies of official transcripts of results for qualifications must be included with the application for the HDip.

• all credentials in languages other than English must be accompanied by certified English translations;

Application dates

Application Deadline: 02nd August 2024

For EU & those living on the island of Ireland (Late applications may be considered).

31st May 2024 For non EU


1 year full-time.

Enrolment dates

Course Start Date: September 2024

Post Course Info

Higher Diploma in Pastoral Liturgy - Work in liturgy at a parish or diocesan level. Alternatively opportunities in various Catholic organizations may be available. Graduates of the HDip may progress further and enter a graduate programme in Catholic Liturgy or Theology.

More details
  • Qualification letters


  • Attendance type

    Full time,Daytime

  • Apply to

    Course provider