Pharmacy - Research


The School of Pharmacy (SoP) focuses its research activities on key areas of the pharmaceutical sciences, clinical and primary care aspects of pharmacy. Our research spans a wide range of scientific and professional disciplines. Multidisciplinary sits at the core of many of our internationally-connected research programmes, ultimately delivering impactful research designed to benefit patients.

The School of Pharmacy is committed to research excellence. This is achieved through ambitious target setting, a key feature of our School Strategy, feeding into the broader University Strategy 2030. We will continually strive for research excellence, strategic recruitment and encourage/enable impactful internal and external collaborations. The SoP has as a broad portfolio of high quality research income and staff within the School publish widely in leading journals and present their work at national and international conferences.

PhD opportunities are available in:

• Nanomedicine and biotherapeutics

• Pharmaceutical materials science and formulation

• Drug delivery and biomaterials

• Infection and antimicrobial resistance

• Healthcare delivery and medicines optimisation

Subject Summary

Research within the School of Pharmacy covers a broad range of disciplines, ranging from material science, to drug discovery and clinical pharmacy. As such prospective students will have the benefit of working within a multi-disciplinary environment, with access to world class facilities and global leaders in their respective research areas.

Course structure

There is no specific course content as such. You are expected to undertake 30 days of formal training which includes demonstrator training, laboratory techniques, annual progress review preparation etc. All students are closely supported by the School and supervisors to obtain quantitative and qualitative data using a range of research methods. You will be expected to carry out your own research under the guidance of your supervisor and postdoctoral team.

Over the course of study you can attend postgraduate skills training organised by the Graduate School.

You will normally register, in the first instance, as an ‘undifferentiated PhD student’ which means that you have satisfied staff that you are capable of undertaking a research degree. The decision as to whether you should undertake an MPhil or a PhD is delayed until you have completed ‘differentiation’.

Differentiation takes place about 9-12 months after registration for full time students and about 18-30 months for part time students: You are normally asked to submit work to a panel of up two academics and this is followed up with a formal meeting with the ‘Differentiation Panel’. The Panel then make a decision regarding your progress and the viability of your research project. Annual progress reviews, with the same panel will occur both during 2nd and 3rd year.

To complete a doctoral qualification you will be required to submit a thesis and to attend a viva voce [oral examination] with an external and internal examiner to defend your research.

A PhD programme runs for 3 years full-time or 6 years part-time. Students can apply for a writing up year should it be required.

The PhD is open to both full and part time candidates and is often a useful preparation for a career within academia or industry.

Full time students are often attracted to research degree programmes because they offer an opportunity to pursue in some depth an area of academic interest.

If you meet the Entry Requirements, the next step is to check whether we can supervise research in your chosen area. We only take students to whom we can offer expert research supervision from one of our academic staff. Therefore, your research interests should align with those of our academic staff. Full details can be found via the website.

Entry requirements


The minimum academic requirement for admission to a research degree programme is normally an Upper Second Class Honours degree from a UK or ROI HE provider, or an equivalent qualification acceptable to the University.

International Students

Please see International Student's link below.

Application dates

How to Apply

Apply using our online Postgraduate Applications Portal and follow the step-by-step instructions on how to apply.


A PhD programme runs for 3 years full-time or 6 years part-time.

Enrolment dates

Entry Year: Academic Year 2025/26

Post Course Info

Career Prospects


Many of our PhD graduates have moved into academic and research roles in Higher Education while others go on to play leading roles within the pharmaceutical industry. Queen's postgraduates reap exceptional benefits from facilities within the School, but also from wider University initiatives, such as Degree Plus and Researcher Plus, both of which bolster candidate employability.

Employment after the Course

Queen’s University offer extensive career development opportunities to PhD students. Further details can be accessed via the link below.


Research information

Associated Research

We are located on the site of a major teaching hospital, providing excellent clinical collaborations.

We have excellent research facilities and support structures for students.

We have strong links with the pharmaceutical and health care industries and with international research collaborators.

More details
  • Qualification letters


  • Qualifications

    Degree - Doctoral at UK Level 8

  • Attendance type

    Full time,Part time,Daytime

  • Apply to

    Course provider