Plant Biology & Biotechnology

MSc Plant Biology & Biotechnology

Graduate Taught (level 9 nfq, credits 90)

Rapid developments in our understanding of plants and their significance to our wellbeing has been achieved through advances in a range of disciplines including genetics, genomics, cell biology, physiology, ecology and studies on climate change. Graduates of this one-year MSc will be equipped with the knowledge and skills in these recent advances to rise to the future challenges in academia, industry and policy development. Innovation and entrepreneurship permeate the course as central themes and, in addition, a specific module on entrepreneurship in plant biology is delivered. This MSc covers a wide diversity of both topics and approaches, and is taught by a high-profile research-oriented group of academics.

Researchers from the UCD School of Biology and Environmental Science represent the single largest grouping of plant scientists in Ireland, with research interests ranging from genetics and molecular biology of the cell to plant physiology and ecology.

- Outstanding diversity of topics and approaches in plant biology research, covering developments in genetics, cell biology, biotechnology and plant environment interactions.

- High-profile, research-oriented faculty and lectures.

Subjects taught

Stage 1 - Core

Plant Biotechnology & Entrepreneurship BOTN30130

Research Project BOTN40220

Current Dev. Plant Bio. 2 BOTN40280

Current Dev. Plant Bio. 1 BOTN40290

Stage 1 - Option

Plant Diseases: Biology and Control BIOL30010

Plant Pathology and Biotechnology BIOL40370

Biological Imaging BIOL40560

Diversity of Plant Form & Function BOTN30050

Experimental Plant Physiology BOTN30140

Plants and Stress BOTN40190

Plant Phenotyping: from Basics to Robotics BOTN40260

Biology and Ecology of Coastal Wetlands BOTN40270

Carbon & Sustainability BSEN40720

Plant Cell Biology CELB30110

Developmental Plant Genetics CELB40020

Programmed Cell Death in Plants CELB40030

Cell Signalling in Plants CELB40040

Environmental Impact Assessment ENVB40040

Peatlands & Global Change (On-line) ENVB40360

Genome Structure and Evolution GENE30020

Biological Invasions ZOOL40280

Entry requirements

- This programme is intended for applicants with a degree in an appropriate life science discipline. An upper second class honours or international equivalent is required.

- Applicants whose first language is not English must also demonstrate English language proficiency of IELTS 6.5 (no band less than 6.0 in each element), or equivalent.

- Students meeting the programme’s academic entry requirements but not the English language requirements, may enter the programme upon successful completion of UCD’s Pre-Sessional or International Pre-Master’s Pathway programmes. Please see the following link for further information

- These are the minimum entry requirements – additional criteria may be requested for some programmes

Application dates

How to apply?

The following entry routes are available:

MSc Plant Biology & Biotechnology FT (F080)


1 Years


Full Time



* Courses will remain open until such time as all places have been filled, therefore early application is advised




1 year full-time. Mode of Delivery: Face-to-Face.


MSc Plant Biology & Biotechnology (F080) Full Time

EU fee per year - € 7785

nonEU fee per year - € 25600

MSc Plant Biology & Biotechnology (F131) Part Time

EU fee per year - € 3880

nonEU fee per year - € 12800

***Fees are subject to change

Tuition fee information is available on the UCD Fees website.

Enrolment dates

NEXT INTAKE: 2024/2025 September.

Post Course Info

Careers & Employability

Graduates will have a distinct advantage when applying for PhD studentships or other more advanced graduate training in the area of plant biology and biotechnology.

This MSc is ideal for graduates interested in pursuing scientific careers in academia, agriculture and plant-science based or biotechnology industries. Graduates will have opportunities to pursue postgraduate education and research and work in areas such as plant biotechnology, scientific journalism/publishing and for government agencies involved in governmental and non-governmental policy.

More details
  • Qualification letters


  • Qualifications

    Degree - Masters (Level 9 NFQ)

  • Attendance type

    Full time,Daytime

  • Apply to

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