Trinity College Dublin
Psychoanalytic Studies
Course Overview
The Masters in Philosophy in Psychoanalytic Studies offers graduates a thorough introduction to the history, theory and applications in clinical work and in the wider culture of psychoanalysis from Freud to modern writers in this broad field. The course is of interest to people from a variety of backgrounds, including graduates of psychology, philosophy, and other university programmes, as well mental health professionals, people who work in the fields of the Arts, education and health, among others. The programme attracts students from around the world and from a wide mix of backgrounds and age groups.
The course typically covers areas such as the unconscious in groups, organisations and society, dreams, dreaming and symbolic life, the emotional world of the child, psychoanalysis and art, clinical states of mind and object relations theory.
Is This Course For Me?
The course is designed for students with a degree in an appropriate Arts, Social Sciences or Science subject or other subject which provides some basis for this course who would like to progress their careers and clinical work and acquire professional knowledge and skills in psychoanalysis.
Course Structure
This is a one-year full-time course. Students take six compulsory modules, equivalent to 10 ECTS each, together with a 30 ECTS dissertation, for a total of 90 ECTS.
Subjects taught
Students take seven compulsory modules, including a series of research tutorials: Psychoanalysis and Art; Dreams, Dreaming and Symbolic Life; The Emotional World of the Child; The Mind-Body Question in Psychoanalysis; Object Relations Theory; The Unconscious in Groups, Organisations and Society; Thesis/ Dissertation. Students are required to complete a thesis on a psychoanalytic theme for submission at the end of the programme.
Students are required to complete a thesis on a psychoanalytic theme for submission at the end of the programme.
Entry requirements
Admission Requirements
Applications are normally accepted only from persons with a first or upper second-class degree (2.1) in an appropriate Arts, Social Sciences or Science subject.
Application dates
Closing Date: 31st May 2025
1 year full-time.
Enrolment dates
Next Intake: September 2025
Post Course Info
Graduates have pursued careers in counselling, social work, marriage and family therapy, psychiatric nursing, and consultancy. A number of graduates also go on to further research and a career in academia.
More details
Qualification letters
M. Phil. / P.Grad. Dip.
Postgraduate Diploma (Level 9 NFQ),Degree - Masters (Level 9 NFQ)
Attendance type
Full time,Daytime
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