University College Cork
Psychology - Conversion Course
The Higher Diploma in Psychology is a conversion course to psychology for students with degrees in subjects other than psychology or with psychology as a minor subject. Completion of the Higher Diploma in Psychology effectively converts your degree to the equivalent of an honours degree with psychology as the main subject.
It is designed for non-psychology graduates who wish to gain a qualification that makes them eligible to become Graduate Members of the relevant professional society, The Psychological Society of Ireland. This is a pre-requisite for accredited professional training in psychology.
Subjects taught
Core areas taught on the programme include:
Research Methods
Cognitive Psychology
Biological Psychology
Social Psychology
Developmental Psychology
Individual Differences
Abnormal Psychology
Psychological Therapies
*In addition to the above, successful applicants who have not completed the equivalent of year 1 of the BA in Applied Psychology will be expected to attend a brief course prior to commencing on the Higher Diploma in Psychology.
Entry requirements
Candidates should normally have at least a Second Class Honours Grade I in a primary honours degree (NFQ, Level 8).
It may be necessary to limit numbers, and candidates will have to satisfy a Selection Committee at interview. Previous study of psychology, although not a requirement is highly advantageous
The Additional/Supplementary Statement Question MUST also be completed during the online application. Relevant previous experience of psychology should be included in this statement
Application dates
Closing Date 15 April 2024
Assessment Info
Full details and regulations governing Examinations for each programme will be contained in the Marks and Standards Book and for each module in the Book of Modules
2 years full-time.
Enrolment dates
Start Date 9 September 2024
Post Course Info
Skills and Careers Information
The Higher Diploma in Psychology is an entry-level qualification (equivalent to a degree). Completion of the programme entitles graduates to membership of the PSI or BPS a prerequisite for most postgraduate training or research programmes. Clear and comprehensive information on postgraduate opportunities and career development may be found on these national society websites at www.psychologicalsociety.ie/ or www.bps.org.uk.
More details
Qualification letters
Higher Diploma (Level 8 NFQ)
Attendance type
Full time,Daytime
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Course provider