Quantum Fields Strings & Gravity

Trinity College Dublin

Quantum Fields Strings & Gravity

Course Overview

The Quantum Fields, Strings and Gravity is a one-year, full-time taught M.Sc. programme is run by the School of Mathematics at Trinity. The degree offers advanced education in modern High Energy Theory and Mathematical Physics. The topics include string theory, conformal field theory, general theory of relativity & cosmology, quantum field theory and lattice gauge theory.

Students will have an opportunity to discuss cutting-edge research and perform their own M.Sc. dissertation work under the supervision of the School of Mathematics staff, who are world experts in the field. The aim of the programme is to give undergraduate students an excellent opportunity to advance their knowledge and skills up to a level required for doctoral level research. Graduates typically go on to Ph.D. study both within Trinity’s School of Mathematics and at top international institutions abroad.

Is This Course For Me?

The M.Sc. in Quantum Fields, Strings and Gravity is aimed at graduates with a degree in Theoretical Physics or Mathematics / Physics with a strong Theoretical Physics component. The course provides a significant degree of flexibility with regards to the preferred research direction – both formal and lattice high-energy theory modules and dissertation projects are provided. The course also allows for a variety of educational backgrounds and offers two-tiered packages of modules (fundamental and advanced) tailored to the level of incoming students.

Course Structure

The M.Sc. in Quantum Fields, Strings and Gravity is a one year, full-time full-time taught Masters degree.

To complete your M.Sc. studies, you should take a total of 60 ECTS units of coursework plus a 30 ECTS research project, making a total of 90 ECTS.

Subjects taught

The M.Sc. in Quantum Fields, Strings and Gravity offers two streams: Formal and Lattice..

The mandatory modules are the same for both streams and include: Dissertation (to be completed during the summer semester): Theoretical Physics Student Seminar (2 semesters); Topics in Theoretical Physics; Lattice Field Theory.

Students within the Formal stream can then choose between two strands. The Advanced Formal strand offers the following modules: Modern Quantum Field theory; Introduction to Conformal Field Theory; String Theory; Advanced Quantum Field Theory. The Fundamental Formal strand offers the following modules: Introduction to Conformal Field Theory; General Relativity and Cosmology; Standard Model; Quantum Field Theory (2 semesters).

Students within the Lattice stream can also choose between two strands. The Advanced Lattice strand offers the following modules: Numerical Methods; C programming; C++ programming; Parallel Numerical Algorithms; Modern Quantum Field theory; Advanced Quantum Field Theory. The Fundamental Lattice strand offers the following modules: Numerical Methods; C programming; C++ programming; Parallel Numerical Algorithms; Quantum Field Theory (2 semesters).

Entry requirements

Admission Requirements

Applicants are expected to have achieved a first in a Bachelor's degree in Theoretical Physics or Mathematics or Physics with a strong Theoretical Physics component.

Applicants must also provide a personal statement detailing their interests and clearly indicate whether they wish to follow the formal or lattice pathway on their application. All applicants should provide updated academic transcripts and arrange for two references.

Application dates

Closing Date: 31 July 2025


1 Year Full Time

Enrolment dates

Next Intake: September 2025

Post Course Info

Career Opportunities

Successful graduates are expected to continue their education at top Ph.D. programs in Theoretical Physics in the world. Masters students will be strong applicants for IRC postgraduate funding for a Ph.D. within Trinity's School of Mathematics. This course will provide the background necessary to carry out research in a wide range of areas in mathematical and theoretical physics.

More details
  • Qualification letters

    M.Sc. / P.Grad.Dip.

  • Qualifications

    Postgraduate Diploma (Level 9 NFQ),Degree - Masters (Level 9 NFQ)

  • Attendance type

    Full time,Daytime

  • Apply to

    Course provider