Quantum Science & Technology

Trinity College Dublin

Quantum Science & Technology

This M.Sc. focuses on the theoretical and software aspects of this technology. Specifically, it focuses on a unique blend of quantum information science, the physics of quantum hardware and quantum materials. It will also enable you to develop key skills in the area, such as how to write programs for quantum computers and to network with like-minded students who are interested in pursuing further studies in this area.

Lecturers from multinationals involved in research and development, small and medium enterprises, and the blossoming quantum startup space, will give talks throughout the year. This will enable students to understand the challenges that face the quantum industry today.

Is This Course For Me?

This course is designed for graduates with a strong mathematical background. Graduates from Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science degrees are invited to apply. This course is for you if you are fascinated by quantum mechanics and its potential; interested in making a career in the quantum technology industry; working in a related sector such as data science, machine learning or computer program; thinking of working as an entrepreneur in the emerging quantum technology space; or considering using this programme to progress to further study in the public or private sector.

Subjects taught

The M.Sc. in Quantum Science and Technology consists of six taught modules structured around a cross-cutting introductory module which is designed to equipped students with the foundational information necessary to progress through the remaining modules in the programme.

Modules include: Introduction to Quantum Information Science; Special Topics and the Quantum Industry; Open Quantum Systems; Quantum Material Science; Physical Implementations of Quantum Technology; Quantum Computation and Algorithms; Quantum project/internship

In addition, a tailored internship or project will be offered in industry or academia. The subject matter of each of the modules will draw on the pre-existing strengths of the quantum research excellence in Trinity's School of Physics.

Entry requirements

Admission Requirements

Applicants will be expected to have an Honours Bachelor's degree at 2.1 or above in Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science or Engineering (or equivalent). Applicants with lower than a 2.1 will be considered on a case-by-case basis by the Dean of Graduate Studies. In case of heavy competition for places or concerns regarding a particular applicant’s suitability, applicants may be interviewed online.

Application dates

Closing Date: 31st July 2024

Apply via Application link above


1 year Full Time

Enrolment dates

Next Intake: September 2024

Post Course Info

Career Opportunities

Graduates of this programme will be uniquely placed to work across the quantum science and technology sector as well as related areas of industry. For those interested in pursuing academic research, Trinity hosts many internationally recognised academics in quantum research. Graduates will also be eligible to pursue further study in other universities who are currently working in this and related research fields.

More details
  • Qualification letters

    M.Sc. / P.Grad.Dip

  • Qualifications

    Postgraduate Diploma (Level 9 NFQ),Degree - Masters (Level 9 NFQ)

  • Attendance type

    Full time,Daytime

  • Apply to

    Course provider