Sociology - Research

The School welcomes applications from prospective PhD and Research Masters students who wish to undertake research in sociology. We are very pleased to consider applications in any area of sociology in which we can provide appropriate supervision.

The School has exciting and diverse PhD and MLitt programmes which have been extensively revised in recent years. There are new taught components that provide greater structure and professional training, but the emphasis remains on students completing a major, independent piece of research that makes a significant contribution to sociological knowledge.

The PhD in Sociology is awarded following the completion of 270 credits, comprising 240 credits for the thesis and a further 30 credits of taught modules. This is normally a 4 year full-time or 5-6 year part-time programme.

The MLitt in Sociology is awarded following the completion of 180 credits, comprising 150 credit for the thesis and a further 30 credits of taught modules. This is normally a 2 year programme.

You will find fuller information below on Structured PhD and Structured MLitt programmes and on School’s Application Procedures. Funding opportunities are available through scholarships and tutoring and you will find information on these below.

In advance of making your application you should read through the Application Procedures, and make contact with a member of staff whose area of research you think most closely relates to your area of research to discuss your proposal. For information on research areas of staff please view


It is important that you send them a clear outline of your draft research proposal, cv, and copy of transcripts. We strongly recommend that a member of staff reads and reviews your final proposal before you make you application to the School.

Entry requirements

Applicants must normally have a first or upper second-class honours primary degree and/or masters degree, or the equivalent. In circumstances where examination results are not known at the time of application, the School of Sociology may make a Conditional Offer subject to receiving a complete and final transcript confirming that the applicant has met the above requirements. Notarised English translations, as well as the original transcript, should be provided where relevant giving details of all courses taken and examination marks obtained.

Application dates

Application Timelines

Deadline for applications is 15th April. To be given full consideration for admission and any School funding opportunities, applications should be received by this date. In exceptional circumstances, and with the support of the Supervisor, late applications can be considered.

Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application following an assessment process which takes approximately eight weeks.

Registration periods are at the beginning of: September, January or May.

The School strongly recommends entering the programme in September, which is the beginning of the academic year.

Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Application Procedures for PhD & MLitt in Sociology

In advance of making your application you should read through the entry requirements below, and make contact with a member of staff whose area of research you think most closely relates to your area of research to discuss your proposal. Here you will find their research details. It is important that you send them a clear outline of your draft research proposal, cv, and copy of transcripts. We strongly recommend that a member of staff reads and reviews your final proposal before you make your application to the School.

Documents Required for the Application Process

Cover letter outlining the candidate's reasons for choosing to apply to UCD School of Sociology and our research programme.

Comprehensive research proposal (a) - (e) below

(a) Abstract of your research proposal (no more than 250 words)

(b) Introduction that highlights originality and significance of your research and identifies a clear research question (no more than 500 words)

(c) Location of the proposed project within the current state of research and bibliography in the area (no more than 500 words)

(d) Outline of your research methodology (no more than 400 words)

(e) Year to year plan of the research (no more than 250 words)

Curriculum vitae / resumé.

Transcripts (notarised English translations, as well as the original transcript where relevant) giving details of all courses taken and examination marks obtained.

Two academic references from referees acquainted with the candidate's academic work and who are prepared to write on their behalf. References must be on headed paper and contain the referee's individual contact details. Referees must email their reference to References forwarded by applicants will not be accepted.

Writing Sample comprising one of the following: the candidate's completed Masters thesis, 2-3 draft chapters if thesis is not yet submitted, samples of published work or other relevant written work.

Evidence of English language proficiency. Candidates must demonstrate that they have met the UCD mimimum English Language Entry Requirements. A degree taken in English in a native English-speaking country is acceptable. A wide range of other qualifications, such as IELTS or TOEFL, are also accepted. Full information can be found here.

Copy of birth certificate or relevant pages from the candidate's passport to confirm their official name and date of birth (non UCD applicants only).

Applications will be evaluated by a School Selection Board on the basis of their excellence, originality and potential.


PhD applications are submitted via the UCD online application portal. Use the course finder to search for W149 (full-time PhD programme) or W150 (part-time PhD programme) and follow the steps online to apply.

MLitt applicants should contact the School via the details below before beginning the submission process.




Applications will be considered from any suitably qualified applicants. Applicants, however, must make their own visa/consular arrangements to ensure that they are eligible to reside in Ireland for the duration of their studies. Useful information can be found on the UCD International Office website.

A Zoom or phone interview may be requested by the UCD School of Sociology as part of the admissions process.

Original copies of all application documents will be required prior to enrolment on PhD or MLitt programmes.

The School of Sociology reserves the right to revise these application procedures at any time.


W149 PhD: 3 years full-time, 6 years part-time.

W123 MLitt 2 years full-time

Enrolment dates

Registration periods are at the beginning of: September, January or May.

More details
  • Qualification letters

    MLitt / PhD

  • Qualifications

    Degree - Masters (Level 9 NFQ),Degree - Doctoral (Level 10 NFQ)

  • Attendance type

    Full time,Part time,Daytime

  • Apply to

    Course provider