Software Architecture & Design - Cork

Students will develop advanced skills for analysing requirements and designing appropriate software solutions; creating complex software systems to solve real-world problems, evaluating and using advanced software environments, design methods and programming languages, and evaluating and responding to recent trends in interoperability and software development. Students will also complete a research project that is either academic or industry focused.

Course Delivery

24 months (4 semesters) is the minimum duration.

This programme is available online only. All classes are delivered over the Internet and all practical work is completed using MTU’s cloud infrastructure.


Master of Science in Software Architecture and Design (Level 9 on the National Framework of Qualifications).

Subjects taught


Software Architecture & Design

Software Process Engineering

Metaheuristic Optimisation

Scalable Microservices

Research Practice & Ethics

Research Project


Programming Language Design

Source Code Analysis

Fraud & Anomaly Detection

Natural Language Processing

Big Data Processing

Malware Investigations

Malware Reverse Engineering

Entry requirements

Entry to the MSc in Software Architecture & Design requires a minimum of a Level 8 Honours Degree in Computing or in a cognate discipline with a minimum of 3 years post qualification experience. Particular attention will be paid to the applicant’s software development experience and motivation.


2 years online.

More details
  • Qualification letters


  • Qualifications

    Degree - Masters (Level 9 NFQ)

  • Attendance type

    Part time

  • Apply to

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