Software Design with Digitalisation - Athlone

Driven by the increasing availability and affordability of digital technologies, digitalisation refers to the process of using digital technology to transform traditional business process. The shift towards digitalisation has brought about several advantages, including increased efficiency, accuracy, and accessibility of information. One of the most significant benefits of digitalisation is the ability to store and retrieve large amounts of data quickly and easily. This is particularly important for businesses that rely on data to make informed decisions. Additionally, digitalisation has enabled companies to streamline their processes, reducing costs and increasing productivity. Digitalisation also provides greater flexibility and accessibility, allowing individuals to access information from anywhere and at any time, as long as they have an Internet connection.

Subjects taught

Semester 1

Research Methods & Professional Practice

Credits: 10

This module will equip learners to critically explore the development and completion of applied research methodologies using structured,

responsible tools and actions while imbuing learners with work-ready skills for industrial practice. The students will be introduced to the key

concepts involved in research and project management and develop their understanding of the uses and relevance of the major

methodologies employed. The requirement for ethics and social responsibility are emphasised throughout, inclusive of data collection

and compilation, project planning and dissemination of results.

Object Oriented Programming I

Credits: 5

This is a module using the Java programming language which is aimed at preparing the students for the Oracle Certified Associate exam

(which since Java SE7, is a precursor to the Oracle Certified Professional exam). Students with OCA certification can go through the RPL

process. The methodology will be to cover the syntax and theory in a lecture, with practical coding reinforcing the theory.

Initially, Java basics are covered : structure of a Java class, variables, data types, operators, scope, methods, selection constructs and

iteration constructs. This leads onto principles of Object Oriented Programming: constructors, classes/objects, instance/class variables, static

keyword, encapsulation and access specifiers. Inheritance is also detailed: polymorphism, abstract classes and interfaces. Storage facilities

such as arrays and ArrayLists are covered next. The Java API regarding String, StringBuilder, Java 8 date/time package and an introduction

to Lambda expressions are then covered. In addition, design techniques such as inner classes and enumerated types are covered. Lastly,

exception handling is covered.

Digitalisation Strategies for Industry 4.0

Credits: 5

This module gives the student an introduction to the field of integrating electronics, sensors and instrumentation with the internet. Industry 4.0

and Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) have become extremely relevant and increasingly important in manufacturing for a multitude of

reasons. It helps manufacturers with current challenges by giving greater connectivity of their machines, greater operational insight into the

process, makes reacting to changes in the manufacturing process easier, faster and more efficient and allows greater product traceability.

The implementation of Industry 4.0 and IIoT techniques within a manufacturing facility can increase yield, quality and product throughput,

while reducing downtime and improving process efficiency.

Digitalisation System Architecture

Credits: 10

Data architecture plays a crucial role in the successful digitalisation of organisations. It serves as the foundation for managing and leveraging

data effectively. A well-designed data architecture helps ensure data is structured, organised, and accessible consistently, facilitating data

integration and analytics. Once effective data structures have been defined, innovative data visualisation strategies can be used to transform

data into visually intuitive representations, making it easier for users to understand and interpret the information. This module will enable

students to assess the data available in real world digitalisation scenarios, the skills to source and source relevant data and finally to provide

visualisations with the appropriate level of explain-ability.

Semester 2

Applied Scripting

Credits: 5

This module provides an introduction to Python, a powerful and versatile dynamic programming language, which is used extensively in

various domains of ICT. Students will learn the basics of programming in Python and the use of functions and data structures. They will also

be introduced to Python packages/modules for visualisation, regular expressions and working with dates and times.

Data Mining and Machine Learning 5

Credits: 10

This module will study the principles, processes and techniques of extracting information from data with a view to improving decision making.

It will examine data mining and machine learning techniques and algorithms and their application to real world problems.

Engineering Team Project

Credits: 10

Team based project work is a distinctive component of the applied learning process in Engineering. The purpose of the module is to give

students the opportunity to complete an applied research/development/consultancy project, or produce a research paper relevant to industry

practice utilising the skills and knowledge gained throughout the programme via integration of the curriculum content. This will require the

integration of the curriculum content, whereby previous cross modular links are consolidated and the knowledge and skills accrued throughout

the programme are applied to define, investigate, implement and analyse a solution to an authentic industry focused project. The learner will

work as part of small focused teams on this targeted multidisciplinary project.

Object Oriented Programming II

Credits: 5

This is a module, using the Java programming language, which is aimed at preparing the students for the Oracle Certified Professional exam.

Initially, Generics and Collections are covered. Lambda expressions and Functional Interfaces are then detailed which leads onto the Java

Stream API. Following that, File I/O, NIO.2, Threading and Concurrency are detailed. Lastly, Localisation techniques and JDBC are covered.

Entry requirements

Applicants should hold an honours degree in Software Design or an equivalent qualification.

International Applications

International applicants should apply directly to the International Office at TUS, allowing plenty of time for completing the visa process. Applications for September start should be made by 1st June at the latest to ensure visas are processed in time. You should familiarise yourself with visa processing times for your country of origin to ensure you make a timely application.


1 Year full-time.

Enrolment dates

Course Commencement Date: September

Post Course Info

Graduates of this programme are eligible to apply to other programmes within TUS or elsewhere.

More details
  • Qualification letters

    PGrad Dip

  • Qualifications

    Postgraduate Diploma (Level 9 NFQ)

  • Attendance type

    Full time,Daytime

  • Apply to

    Course provider