Spanish Studies - Structured

Important note for MLitt research degree prospective students

Graduates wishing to pursue the research degree of MLitt may do so for the purposes of a stand-alone award. It is not a progression route to a PhD degree. Therefore, students registered for the MLitt research degree have no automatic transfer opportunity to a PhD programme. However, students on PhD research have the possibility to exit their programme early with an MLitt providing that they have satisfied the requirements for that award.

Course overview

Perhaps one of the most exciting elements of the Structured PhD is the wealth of cross-disciplinary modules offered to the student, which serve to consolidate the student’s learning and guide them towards very interesting and innovative interdisciplinary theoretical approaches to their research topic. It is also envisaged that students on this programme will engage in research in Spain during their studies.

Admission to a Structured PhD is at the discretion of the potential supervisor and the Head of discipline; it is based on a proposal from the applicant, following discussion with the staff member whose academic area of interest is most appropriate. Candidates should possess an honours degree in Spanish (Second Class, Grade 1 minimum) and should normally hold an MA in a relevant area.

As part of the doctoral training available on the Structured PhD programme, students avail themselves of a range of interdisciplinary taught modules.

The wide menu of available options include modules that:

- are Discipline-Specific in that they augment the student’s existing knowledge in their specialist area, e.g., Language and Intercultural Communication

- are Dissertation-Specific in that they supply core skills which are essential to completion of the research project, e.g., additional language skills

- acknowledge a student’s professional development, e.g., presentation of a paper at an International Conference

- enhance a student’s employability through generic training, e.g., Careers Workshops, Computer literacy.

Each student will be assigned a primary Supervisor(s) and a Graduate Research Committee made up of experienced researchers to plan their programme of study and to provide on-going support to their research.

Entry requirements

Candidates should possess an honours degree in Spanish (Second Class, Grade 1 minimum [or equivalent international qualification]) and should normally hold an MA in a relevant area.


Areas of interest

Mr Mel Boland

Linguistics; Latin American literature; translation studies.

Dr Lorraine Kelly

Modern Latin American Literature; Mexican women writers; Contemporary Latin American Studies.

Dr Kate Quinn

Southern Cone literature and politics; history and theory of the detective genre in Spain and Latin America; historical narrative.

Professor Bill Richardson

Spanish language and linguistics; Spanish-English translation; Spanish Second Language Acquisition; deictic reference in Spanish and English; the works of Jorge Luis Borges; the links between language, culture and cognition.

Dr Lorna Shaughnessy

Modern Spanish poetry; Modern Latin American poetry; political writing from Central America; cultural theory and post-colonial literatures; women's movements and popular culture in Central America.

More details
  • Qualification letters

    PhD MLitt

  • Qualifications

    Degree - Doctoral (Level 10 NFQ),Degree - Masters (Level 9 NFQ)

  • Attendance type

    Full time,Part time,Daytime

  • Apply to

    Course provider