Study Scholarships - Master Studies for All Academic Disciplines

The German Academic Exchange Service
Study Scholarships - Master Studies for All Academic Disciplines
This scholarship programme offers you the opportunity to continue your academic education in Germany with a postgraduate course of study.
Who can apply?
- Excellently-qualified graduates who have completed a first degree (e.g. Bachelor, Diplom) at the latest by the time they commence their scholarship-supported study programme.
- For applicants from artistic disciplines and the field of architecture, the DAAD offers subject-specific scholarship programmes: Music , Fine Art/Design/Film , Performing Art , Architecture
What can be funded?
- a postgraduate or Master's degree programme completed at a state or state-recognised university in Germany
- one year of study in Germany as part of a postgraduate or Master's degree programme with completing the degree abroad; recognition of the academic achievements rendered in Germany must be guaranteed. The standard period of study at the home university should not be exceeded as a result of the study year in Germany.