Theology - Transformational Leadership

Irish Bible Institute

Theology - Transformational Leadership

A combination of excellent teaching, student interaction and personal research creates a unique learning experience. If you are interested in reflecting on your current work and ministry context, if you want to engage with the points of view of others, if you would like to enhance your work/ministry skills, or if you are looking for something that will aid your personal transformation, the MA is for you.

Subjects taught


Bible Interpretation

Church and Mission

Evangelical Theology, Identity and Praxis

Developing a Theological Framework for Life and Work

Enabling Pastoral Care

Teaching and Preaching the Bible in a Ministry Context

Transformational Leadership in Practice

Dissertation/Research Project

For more detailed information about these modules, please visit the Provider's website.

The MA modules are delivered in rotation.

Entry requirements

There are 2 entry routes to this programme, Academic Route and Associate Route. For Associate Route, you need to be involved in some aspect of professional/Christian ministry*.

Academic Route:

For the Academic Route onto the MA you need to have achieved one of the following qualifications:

- a first honours degree (single or joint) at 2.2 or above (2.1 preferred) or a Graduate/Postgraduate Diploma in Theology and/or Religious Studies or a closely related subject;

- a Postgraduate Award or first class honours in another Humanities subject;

- a first degree, and at least the equivalent of a Certificate of Higher Education in Theology and/or Religious Studies.

Associate Route:

This access route is open to you if you meet one or both of the following requirements: you have obtained a first degree in a subject other than Theology and/or Religious Studies at 2.2 honours or above;


you can demonstrate sufficient ministerial, professional or vocational experience to indicate that you have the ability to study at postgraduate level. You must have at least two years of significant and relevant professional/Christian ministry* experience (evidenced by referees).

If you enter via this route you will be required to demonstrate that you are able to work at M level by successfully completing a module as an associate student. After completing and passing the module you can enrol for the full MA programme and transfer the credits.

*Relevant professional/Christian ministry experience means significant involvement in the broad area of Christian ministry (either paid or lay) or some specific professional practice that demands aspects of theological input/reflection.

Recognition of other studies

If you have studied other modules at M level you can talk with the Programme Director about the possibility of credit transfer.(York St John University regulations will apply to this process.)

International Students

1. EU/EEA/United Kingdom citizens/residents:

EU/EEA/United Kingdom citizens/residents are welcome to apply via the normal application process. You can download the application form below.

Non-native speakers of English must have an IELTS certificate or equivalent with a minimum score of 6.0. You will also be required to demonstrate the equivalence of any qualifications to Irish/UK standards.

2. Non-EU/EEA/United Kingdom citizens/residents:

Due to Irish Immigration regulations, IBI is not permitted to accept applications from those who require a student visa to study in Ireland.

Application dates

To apply for either of the MA Programmes, download and complete the application form (see "Application Weblink" above) .

Email the completed form to

Application Fee €50.

When we have received both your fee and application form we will be in touch. In the meantime, if you have any queries about your application call Sarah on 01-8069060

Alternatively: If applying by post send the completed form and the non-refundable application fee of €50 to:

Sarah Crane

Academic Administrator,

Irish Bible Institute,

Ulysses House

22-24 Foley Street,

Dublin 1


3 years

Both MA Applied Theology and MA Transformational Leadership are studied part-time and are designed to fit around ministry and employment. A student will do four taught modules over two years and then spend the final year completing a 16,000 word dissertation.

The taught modules are delivered in a variety of ways; a one-week intensive block, over five Saturdays or over three weekends, spread through the academic year.

Enrolment dates

MA Programmes have entry points in January and September, annually.

More details
  • Qualification letters


  • Qualifications

    Degree - Masters at UK Level 7

  • Attendance type

    Part time,Daytime

  • Apply to

    Course provider