Translation - Research


The Centre for Translation and Interpreting provides a vibrant environment for both disciplinary and interdisciplinary scholarship. Recognised as a centre of excellence for research into the languages, literatures, histories, linguistics, visual cultures, and cultural identities of Europe and beyond, the Centre is founded on a dynamic and forward-looking research ethos. Translation is a field of research that is expanding dynamically. We welcome innovative research proposals that interrogate – through either practice- or research-led projects, translation in a variety of areas and modes.

For example:

Audio-visual translation, multimodality and accessibility

Crisis translation

Translation and cultural encounter

Translation and development

Translation and language policy

Translation and linguistics

Translation and literature

Translation and minority languages

Translation and sacred texts

Translation and space/cities/urban contexts/migration

Translation and the global/local

Translation and theatre performance

Translation and tourism

Translation and violent conflict

Translation ethics

Translation in digital contexts

Translation in media and geo-politics

Translation in museums and exhibition spaces

Translation in the context of education

Translation and knowledge production and dissemination

Translation and music

Translation and the archive

Subject Summary

You will become part of a research field that is expanding dynamically. We welcome research proposals in a variety of areas such as audio-visual translation, multimodality, accessibility, translation and cultural encounter and the role of translation in the fields of linguistics, literature, education, performance, sacred texts, ethics, media, geo-politics, development, violent conflict and peace building, museum studies, area studies, digital humanities and space/landscape studies. You will enjoy the benefits of a network of regional, national and international connections with leading translation centres, including in Brazil, China, France, Greece, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Poland, Spain, the UAE, and the USA.

You will meet and engage with staff with research profiles of international standing, with a wide and diverse range of interests in translation and translation studies, including digital and media contexts, literature, travel writing, international development, theatre and performance, hermeneutics and translation theory, histories, education, religious texts, landscape and place, museums, subtitling, audio-description and accessibility.

Research in Modern Languages at Queen's was ranked 3rd in REF 2014 for Research Intensity and 5th for Grade Point Average, with particular strengths in literary studies, translation and interpreting linguistics, postcolonial studies, visual cultures, digital humanities and medical humanities. The School hosts several large research projects across all the language areas, funded by the AHRC, British Academy, the Leverhulme Trust, and Horizon 2020. The Centre is home to a large group of PhD students (around 45) from all across the world (China, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Mongolia, UK, Oman, Spain).

Our weekly Seminar Series attracts renowned scholars and practitioners and is open to all PhD students. It provides you with an opportunity to become familiar with a range of translation research topics and professional experiences, and to network with peers and staff members. You are also welcome to audit classes on the MA Translation programme.

Entry requirements


A 2.1 Honours degree or equivalent qualification acceptable to the University. While a Master’s degree (or equivalent qualification acceptable to the University) is not essential, it is desirable and applicants without this qualification will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

International Students

Please see International Student's link below.

Application dates

How to Apply

Apply using our online Postgraduate Applications Portal and follow the step-by-step instructions on how to apply.


3 Calendar Years (Full Time) / 6 Calendar Years (Part Time).

Enrolment dates

Entry Year: Academic Year 2025/26

Post Course Info

Career Prospects


Now more than ever postgraduate qualifications in Translation and/or Interpreting are in high demand. Many of our graduates work immediately as free-lance professionals, some even choosing to launch their own agencies. Others have recently secured employment in higher education (e.g. in China, Jordan, Iraq, Brazil, University of Glasgow, University of East Anglia, QUB), advertising agencies, companies – both as translators and –researchers in private and public companies and institutions. Queen’s is ranked 11th in the UK for graduate prospects (Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide 2022) Queen’s is ranked in the top 170 in the world for graduate prospects (QS Graduate Employability Rankings 2022).

More details
  • Qualification letters


  • Qualifications

    Degree - Doctoral at UK Level 8

  • Attendance type

    Full time,Part time

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